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It is 3:15 PM Phoenix time and we JUST finished David & Solomon: Expanding the Kingdom!!  Janet and I might be a bit biased but we think it is quite beautiful, fast-paced, catechetical, and very fun.

After Joe Reynolds (who is just marvelous at this stuff) does some minor tweaking and sound leveling, it goes to Ignatius Press for final approval; then to the techie guys who add the menus, the closed captions, make the copies and package them for sale. They should be in the warehouse and available in video and DVD for shipping by mid-March in time part of Lent and Easter.

Whew! What's next? A quick trip to Israel and then . . .

. . . we jump right in to the next project — Apostolic Fathers: Handing on the Faith. Pray for us that everything will work well and we will bring glory to God through the whole project.
