"It is not over, it has just begun," says Catholic Convert Gingrich

Newt Gingrich was a Baptist — but last year converted to the Catholic Church. I like his perspective on the Health Care Vote. You can read his article here.
States line up to file suit against ObamaCare
Stupak shoots down pro-life amendment
Archbishop rips CHA for supporting health bill
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Archbishop Chaput denounces Catholic groups that supported Senate bill
Denver’s Archbishop Charles Chaput has charged that the political actions of groups like Catholics United– and, even more seriously, the Catholic Health Association– did serious damage to the pro-life cause by supporting the Senate version of the health-care reform bill, which allowed for funding of abortions. The legislation, he said, “remains unethical and defective on all of the issues pressed by the U.S. bishops and prolife groups for the past seven months.”
