Safety Update: Latest News

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From my friend and agent in Jerusalem — Mr. Raji Khoury

"No one can deny that things were very tense during the period of July 12-Aug 14,2006, due to the shelling of Rockets from the Lebanon and the retaliating attacks of the Israeli Army against most parts of Lebanon.

"Now things are quiet again following the Cease-Fire which went into effect on the morning of Aug 14,2006. I don't deny the true fact that the Major part of our Groups who were registered to come our way in August,September,October and November were rather hesitant to go on with their tours, even some Groups have cancelled, but were reinstated later following the Cease-Fire Resolution.

"I really don't blame you or anyone-else for being scared to come our way during the period of violence, but now with the Cease-Fire  going into effect, I don't see any reason for you or anybody-else for not going on with their original plans to visit the Area.

"Of course, we had several phone calls from most of the Pilgrims who were rather nervous because of the Rockets, but now they feel comfortable to go on with their planned visit.

"I won't be exaggerating if I would say that all Hotels in the Northern part of Israel had a severe blow during the State of war, but now they are re-opened and are functioning normally.

"The feeling of optimism is rippling out far and wide and already many new Pilgrim groups are planning Tours for this Fall and for Spring 2007.

"I hope the above will put you and our friends  in the USA at ease, and will be enthused to go on their original plans to come our way.

"While wishing you all success in your endeavors, I would remain"

Most Cordially Yours,
Raji E. Khoury (CEO)"

For advice, ideas and even more current status of conditions in Israel, or the names and contact information for reliable tour operators to Israel, call 1-888-77-ISRAEL.

There is also a 24/7 information hot-line in Israel that can provide up-to-the second information. From North America, call 011-972-3-520-7600, or during your trip in Israel, call 03-520-7600.
