Islam’s Rejection of Freedom, Woven into its very Fabric

Progress in Catholic-Muslim relations stalled on religious freedom, says Vatican official
The president of the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue has reported significant progress in dialogue between the Church and the Islamic world, but sees major roadblocks remaining. Speaking at a conference in Venice, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran cited two major impediments. First, he said: “Even the most open-minded Muslim leaders are unable to get their fellow Muslims to accept that people have a right to change religion in accordance with their conscience.” Second, the political leadership of Saudi Arabia in particular refuses to budge on allowing freedom of worship for other faiths– leaving 2 million Catholic residents without legal access to the sacraments.

Copts (Christians) attacked by Muslims in violent conflict in Egyptian village
At least 18 people required hospital treatment for injuries suffered in violent confrontations between Muslims and Coptic Christians in an Egyptian village, the French newspaper La Croix reports. The bloodshed occurred on June 21 when militant Muslims attacked a Coptic congregation at worship in the home of a priest in a remote village of southern Egypt– a region where such confrontations have taken place repeatedly in the past few years.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Brother Ed

    It is strange to watch our Church leaders continue to attempt to make nicey nicey with a religion which is built upon hatred, war, misogyny, bigotry, and a history of killing people.

    The only way to come to peace with these people is to unashamedly evangelize them and have them convert to the Truth. Nothing less will do.

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