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Meet Coptic priest Zakaria Botros from Egypt. Little known in the West but making waves with Muslims in the Middle East. He fights fire with fire. He sits with the Christian Scriptures and the Koran in front of him.

He is an expert at Classical Arabic and all the literature of Islam. He challenges the Muslim to respond and refute him.

To read the article about this courageous Christian, click here. To see him on video, go to and search for Zakaria Botros. To read his Nine Demands of Islam, click here.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Amy

    He is an inspiration.

  2. malbert

    Hi Steve i am Malbert from goa, i am an Roman catholic..its really great to watch you speak n your are great testimony of how the holy spirit works in different ways in once life thank you,just wanted to inform you that in india we have a biggest retreat centre of world were every week 3000people come and join retreats….location kerela india, its called the divine centre website do visit thank you n god bless you n your family amen.

  3. KM

    I think the Vatican should sponsor him and offer him the leading position on this “Catholic-Muslim dialogue” business taking place that was recently haulted because Muslims got offended at the Pope’s remarks on the treatment of Christians in Egypt.

  4. JoeM

    There seems to be as I have experience an apathy towards and a bias toward men and women of the Catholic faith in the Central Valley of California while exciting an no new wave parish’s of enormity in faith and joy. Recent this bigotry which I think is fuel by an organization which acquired in the entirety First Baptist, a fundamental mainstay locally and incorporated into a Community Church which the City cozies up to political gain; two 18-yr odds, prosecuted under “hate crimes” enhancements after vandalizing a Synagogue, Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Church.
    These two events actually three are the culmination of one charlatan who seeks dominance in the Christianity all aspire with his own take on Biblical interpretation, the problem no one actually knows what these new phenomena in Christian think, a very scary situation. Very little discussion on a local blog.
    A new catholic Church after these prosecuted events had specific Catholic expressions vandalized, a 400 year old Portuguese statue, the altar defaced, and windows broken out;. In my view this is taught. Some of these unknowns we should view with objectivity and state the what and why.

  5. sewa mobil

    Nice article, thanks for the information.

  6. Stephen Coughlin

    Dear Mr. Ray,

    I just sent you a note on a different matter and went surfing through your blog and found a series of articles on Islam. I recently spent the afternoon with Father Zakaria Botros, the Coptic Priest. My mind suspects heavily that a high percentage of the 105,000 Christians killed reside in the dar al Islam. As the Muslim Brotherhood takes control of Egypt, I fear it will only get worse.

    I say this respectfully as a Catholic who is not in revolt. When Cardinal McCarrock testified in Senate hearings, he note all the help he got from a group called ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) – a known Muslim Brotherhood entity. When commenting on the killing of the Copts in Egypt, he thanked ISNA for all thier help in explaining events. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is going to take charge, implement Islamic law, which includes imposing the Jizyah on the Copts or be killed. The militant wing of the MB – EIJ – said that as recenlty as this week.

    It is my concern that there are some who are wofully – dare I say dangerously – unaware! What to do?


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