Islam the Peaceful Religion? Christian in Iran Ready Execution. His Crime? Baptising Christian Converts!

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Liz Talbot

    Stephen, I am very disappointed at the gross disrespect this posting shows to another World religion, especially when you claim to have extensively visited the Holy Land. You must be well aware that many Muslims live in Israel and the West Bank and in fact, a person of the Muslim faith keeps the keys to the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. I am aware Muslims don’t exactly have the same opinion most Christains have regarding Jesus, but many Muslims revere Jesus and the Virgin Mary. This does not mean that I condone the repressive actions of the Iranian govt. or any repressive govt. in the Middle East. In fact, many Muslims are now risking their lives against totalitarian governments in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Syria. For this, they have my respect and admiration.
    LIZ: STEVE RAY HERE: I don’t want to be disrespectful but you must completely misunderstand what my intent and post are about. I do not like Islam. I do not respect it is a world religion. Like the Christians in the past who have been decimated by them (and had to fight; e.g. Lepanto) I think it is a dangerous religion. I have spent a lot of time in the Middle East which is precisely why I view Islam the way I do. I know it on the ground and not from the slop that I hear on the liberal media in America. What we see under sharia law is not an aberration in Islam, it is the rather the ripe fruit of Islam. I too respect those who oppose tyranny and the courageous Christians who are dying as martyrs under the Muslim sword. The poor pastor in Iran is only one example among many.

  2. Liz Talbot

    Stephen, I am very disappointed at the gross disrespect this posting shows to another World religion, especially when you claim to have extensively visited the Holy Land. You must be well aware that many Muslims live in Israel and the West Bank and in fact, a person of the Muslim faith keeps the keys to the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. I am aware Muslims don’t exactly have the same opinion most Christains have regarding Jesus, but many Muslims revere Jesus and the Virgin Mary. This does not mean that I condone the repressive actions of the Iranian govt. or any repressive govt. in the Middle East. In fact, many Muslims are now risking their lives against totalitarian governments in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Syria. For this, they have my respect and admiration.

    LIZ: STEVE RAY HERE: I don’t want to be disrespectful but you must completely misunderstand what my intent and post are about. I do not like Islam. I do not respect it is a world religion. Like the Christians in the past who have been decimated by them (and had to fight; e.g. Lepanto) I think it is a dangerous religion. I have spent a lot of time in the Middle East which is precisely why I view Islam the way I do. I know it on the ground and not from the slop that I hear on the liberal media in America. What we see under sharia law is not an aberration in Islam, it is the rather the ripe fruit of Islam. I too respect those who oppose tyranny and the courageous Christians who are dying as martyrs under the Muslim sword. The poor pastor in Iran is only one example among many.

  3. Liz Talbot

    Stephen, I am very disappointed at the gross disrespect this posting shows to another World religion, especially when you claim to have extensively visited the Holy Land. You must be well aware that many Muslims live in Israel and the West Bank and in fact, a person of the Muslim faith keeps the keys to the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. I am aware Muslims don’t exactly have the same opinion most Christains have regarding Jesus, but many Muslims revere Jesus and the Virgin Mary. This does not mean that I condone the repressive actions of the Iranian govt. or any repressive govt. in the Middle East. In fact, many Muslims are now risking their lives against totalitarian governments in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Syria. For this, they have my respect and admiration.

    LIZ: STEVE RAY HERE: I don’t want to be disrespectful but you must completely misunderstand what my intent and post are about. I do not like Islam. I do not respect it is a world religion. Like the Christians in the past who have been decimated by them (and had to fight; e.g. Lepanto) I think it is a dangerous religion. I have spent a lot of time in the Middle East which is precisely why I view Islam the way I do. I know it on the ground and not from the slop that I hear on the liberal media in America. What we see under sharia law is not an aberration in Islam, it is the rather the ripe fruit of Islam. I too respect those who oppose tyranny and the courageous Christians who are dying as martyrs under the Muslim sword. The poor pastor in Iran is only one example among many.

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