Islam in America–Interesting Video from Dearborn Michigan

Dearborn Michigan, USA — Twenty miles from my house: A young Arab Christian visits the Arab Cultural Fair and tries to ask a question at a Muslim booth. Dearborn has the highest concentration of Arabs and Muslims in the United States, though many of the Arabs are not Muslims.
(Picture: Mosque in Dearborn MI, largest in the USA)
The video below gives some indication what Islam is really like and how things are if Islamic Sharia Law (here and here and here) is ever allowed. Sharia Law is one of the three most prominent forms of law in the world today.
When Sharia Law is in full force in Islamic countries, non-Muslims have three choices: 1) convert, 2) become 2nd class citizens and pay a crippling tax, or 3) be executed. Of course the politically-correct media won’t tell you this.
While the West is collapsing under moral apathy and politically-correct complancency, the world of Islam is rising! Christians in Muslim countries around the world know this all too well — as America sleeps.
Here is a video of a young Arab man attempting to ask a question about Islam.

View my blog: Prepare for the Skyline of the Future
For more on this topic watch this long video ISLAM: WHAT THE WEST NEEDS TO KNOW
Keep you eye on Robert Spencer’s site: Jihad Watch
Why were these American girls killed by their Muslim family?
