Today I am in Israel, in fact we are in the Palestinian West Bank. I have a lot of Arab friends here — friends who are Christians and Muslims. All the Christians and many of the Muslims in private will tell you that this is true — while politically-correct Americans will deny it.


 “Kuwaiti Researcher Abdulazziz Al-Qattan: ISIS Is the Product of Islamic Heritage,” MEMRI, March 5, 2015.

 He says, referring to the ideology of the Islamic State: “Our Islamic heritage is a minefield of these deviant ideas…The problem of us Arabs is that we are not being honest with ourselves…All the books of Islamic heritage, without exception, from all Islamic sects and denominations, have enough ISIS ideology to turn your hair white.”

 He then says that this ideology doesn’t come from the Qur’an or Muhammad, which is, of course, false, but understandable that he couldn’t indict the Qur’an and Muhammad while sitting in a TV studio in Kuwait. He says that the ideology comes from the Islamic jurists, and calls for a thorough reevaluation of Bukhari and the other Hadith collections, noting that they’re not infallible. It will be interesting to see what kind of reaction he gets, if any, from Muslim authorities.


Will his saying that “our Islamic heritage is a minefield of these deviant ideas” get him denounced as an “Islamophobe” by the Western Leftists and Islamic supremacists who attacked Bill Maher and Sam Harris for saying that Islam was the “mother lode of bad ideas”?

To keep up with the latest on Islam follow Robert Spencer, faithful Catholic and expert on Islam.

