It took us two whole days to get here from Detroit to Amsterdam, Amsterdam to Dubai, Dubai to Cochin India. We arrived at the Divine Retreat Center at 10 AM Tuesday.

The Retreat Center in like a small village full of halls, chapels, dorms, paths through palm trees and outdoor shrines. This is a large family retreat so the place is packed with Catholics coming to pray, sing, learn and fellowship.

Last night I spoke to over 4,000 young people in their late teens and early twenties. What a joyful and responsive group. I talked about Mary the Real Girl and the Woman of Mystery. It was fun for me and they seemed very entertained and eager to learn. You’d have to be here to understand the electricity in the air.

Three talks yesterday along with two TV interviews. Another two talks today and a TV interview. Tomorrow we fly to Bangalore to give talks and meet the bishop there before coming back Sunday for four days of talking to 4,000 priests, seminarians, nuns and religious. I am excited and full of joy to serve the Lord in this unique manner.

It is a different world over here on the other side of the earth. We have mosquito netting over our bed, people eat with their hands, everything is flavored with curry and the people are delightful and friendly. It is invigorating to get immersed in a different culture and learn their ways and enjoy their food and way of life.

This is our 4th Missionary Journey to India and we learn new things every time. What a joy to share the Catholic Faith with such devout and holy people. More soon.


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. George

    Steve, what a blessing going to India to witness to the faith.
    God bless
    Sydney, Australia

  2. Tom Govern

    Wow! Bless the Church and Her efforts in India. Bless your efforts!

  3. George


    Can I ask, what's the Christian population in India?

    STEVE RAY HERE: Population of India is well over 1.3 billion. Christians 30 million.

  4. hazel swathi fernandes

    i was one among the 4000 youth you spoke to at Divine Retreat Center,POWER 2016. Words are not enough to express how blessed i felt to be sitting in the audience and witnessing the mighty work of Christ through you. thank you so much for enabling me to realize the truth about Mama Mary and the Holy Eucharist . may your feet never grow weary and may the fire of truth that is burning within you enable you to reach out to many more youth
    thank you so much steve, stay blessed

  5. George

    hazel swathi fernandes, it must’ve been an awesome and powerful talk.
    God bless Steve and our countless courageous evangelists and preachers around the world witnessing to the word of God, and her mother church. On all continents.
    God bless

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