Incorrupt Saints of Paris: Sts. Catherine Laboure & Vincent de Paul; Boat Ride on Seine River

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After visiting the Church of the Miraculous Metal where we  venerated and prayed at the incorrupt Body of Saint Catherine Labore, we walked a block or two away to have Mass in front of the glass tomb of Saint Vincent de Paul who body is also incorrupt (homily here). Very meaningful and powerful for us all.

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The boat ride on the Seine River took us through the heart of Paris where we saw many of the iconic monuments, churches and sites of the most visited city in the world

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Everyone had the afternoon free to explore Paris and do the things they’ve always wanted to do and to check things off their bucket list.

We re-gathered in the evening for a fantastic dinner where we culminated this magnificent pilgrimage. Tomorrow morning everybody goes to the airport and flies home.
