By Father Jordi Rivero
September 28, 2005

54 years after his death, the body of a priest is found perfectly preserved. The discovery took place when Juan Carlos Baeza had his uncle priest, Francisco Baeza, salesian,  exhumed from the cemetery of Alta Gracia, Cordoba prov., Argentina, to take him to the family pantheon in the city of Río Tercero.

To confirm the story I contacted Father Leonardo Palazzo, inspector of the salesians in Argentina ( He replied: “The information is exact. I send you an article which says the truth”  See article:

The diseased priest was born in Málaga, Spain, in 1901 and emigrated as a child to Argentina with his parents in 1907. He was ordained a salesian priest. When Parkinson was detected, he was sent to Cordoba, Argentina, to recover. There he continued his ministry in spite of his illness and died at the age of 50, on Sept 25, 1951. His body was exhumed September 19, 2005, that is 54 years after his death.

“He was very much loved. For Alta Gracia he is a saint. He gave a blessing to all he could. Until the last moment he continued confessing, though he could not celebrate the Eucharist”, says Juan Carlos Baeza.

All the witnesses affirm that the priest’s body was found perfectly preserved, as if he had died that same day. They describe his blond hair, nails, eyebrows, skin, no loss of muscular mass or fibers. The only smell perceivable was that of the clothing he had on. No one can find an explanation.

Sergio Kalas, a partner in the funeral service firm, was astonished, even though he has done thousands of exhumations. He confirmed that the articulations corresponded to those of a person who just died and observed that the metal box was broken, so that decomposition should have occurred faster than normal. “This is something not natural”, commented Kalas.

The priest of Santa Rosa, Pablo Liendo, was called by the Kalas funeral service just when the discovery was made. He said to Radio Santa Rosa: “When they opened the box, he was intact, as if just buried. He appeared to be mummified, as if dry, with hands and all intact; I was very impressed”

After taking some pictures, they placed the body in a new box in the cemetery of Rio  Tercero, Cordoba, as had been requested by his nephew.

Is it a coincidence that after so much talk about corrupt priests one is found physically incorrupt? Could it be that God is reminding us of what the media ignores? That, in spite of human misery, God works through priests to bring His presence to us. That most priests serve the Lord faithfully. God has His way of speaking. He also has the last word! 

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