Incest & Cannibalism: Explaining the Mass

Last night we celebrated the Easter Vigil for 4 hours in our parish Christ the King in Ann Arbor Michigan. A friend of mine for 35 years was there. He was my "elder" back in the 1970's when I belonged to a little non-denominational, fundamentalist "church". He taught me how to study the Bible, read Church history and I probably wouldn't be a Christian today without his profound influence in my life as a teenager.

He came to the Vigil Mass last night and I was thrilled to sit with him and give him a play-by-play of what was going on. I wrote him a simple "Primer of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass." I am providing it here for anyone else interested in reading it.

"The Liturgy of the Church was kept secret in the early years. Pagans accused Christians of practicing incest and cannibalism because they “loved on another” and they “ate flesh and drank blood.”

 In AD 155 Justin Martyr was the first to publicly explain the Mass . . .

For the rest of the article, click here.
