I'm Guest Host on Al Kresta in the Afternoon

Here’s the audio archive: http://www.avemariaradio.net/showArchive.php?id=kpm
Here’s the podcast: http://avemariaradio.net/kpmpodcast.xml
I will be talking with Relevant Radio about pilgrimages and seeking God from 2:00 – 3:00 PM at www.RelevantRadio.com.
Then …
… I run over to the Ave Maria Radio studio to fill in for Al Kresta from 4:00 – 6:00 PM at www.AveMariaRadio.net.
You can listen to both over the internet or on Catholic Radio.
My guests and topics for Al Kresta’s show are:
Fr. Aemon Kelly LC from Jerusalem: Mary Magdalen and the discoveries at Magdala
Gail Buckley and Catholic Scripture Study
Sarat Fernandez and the state of the Church in England and India
Jim Anderson and Biblical Archaeology: Proving the Bible in the Dirt
