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I remember 9/11. I had just finished a talk at a Men's Prayer Breakfast and was on my way home. Janet called my cell phone and said, "New York is under attack!"

Incredulously I responded, "What are you talking about?"  I sped up faster than usual to get home and watch the news.

I saw the second plane hit to the towers and watched them fall. We had been in New York a few months earlier and had pictures of the Manhattan skyline. I printed them out an taped them on the refrigerator.

We watched TV all day on 9/11 and I have been reliving it again today. To see the jets slam into the towers has again shaken me, brought great sorrow for those involved and for the world in which we live. It brought to the fore again that we are at war — we must fight with resolve and determination.

Diane Stamp, a friend and a pilgrim on one of our trips to the Holy Land, sent me this song. It is a good song with beautiful images and it is — I think — perfect for today.

Click here for the Diamond Rio song, "In Him we Trust — in America!" It is not played in public because it is politically incorrect, but when people here it they erupt in applause. If you are an American, and I know we have a LOT of non-American guests here, I think you will enjoy it. I think non-Americans will enjoy it too.
