We arrived at the airport to fly to Phoenix to work on the post-production for our new movie “Elijah and Elisha.”

I noticed a young man with a hoodie sweatshirt with an insignia boldly printed on the sweatshirt. It said, “PornHub Premium”.

I knew what this was since I had recently posted a blog about it (HERE). People watched 4,392,486,580 hours of porn on PornHub in 2015 – and that just ONE site! That is the equivalent of every person on the earth watching 12 porn videos in 2015. And that is not all porn sites – just PornHub!

This site promotes the abuse, degradation, torture and slavery of women.

After walking past him we came back by him again. I said to my wife, “I’ll be back in a minute.”

I walked thru the crowd at his gate. I walked up to him in front of everyone and said, “You should be ashamed to wear a sweatshirt like that!” He tried to ignore me so I said, “YOU are a pervert.”

A moment of shocked silence. I waited for him to take a swing at me but he just looked down. I walked back to my wife and on to our gate.

I wish everyone in the airport would have confronted this vulgar excuse for a man. But we are too polite and politically-correct as we watch our country and basic morality going to hell in a hand basket – or rather, on a smartphone or laptop.

Article in LifeSite News: https://www.lifesitenews.com/pulse/man-gets-called-out-for-wearing-porn-site-shirt-you-are-a-pervert


This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Tom Govern

    You were kind! Pervert was not enough if he was indeed a customer. If he was not, you gave him something to think about.

  2. Peter Rowe

    People like to pretend that everyone does it. Everyone doesn't do it. I don't, and I think we are talking about a decade since I last visited a porn site. And I am a young adult. By grace we can be saved from any sin, including the diabolical sin of pornography.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Bravo Peter and keep up the good work and witness for the truth.

  3. Rebecca Roberts

    Thank you for standing up for the dignity of women. But don't forget your Catholic call to Fatherhood. That young man is twisted and he needs someone to tell him that. He also needs to know that there is hope for him to be a real man someday. So maybe next time follow up the fatherly admonition with some fatherly advice, like pointing him to places he could get help or other resources so that he can overcome the terrible sin he is trapped in. Keep up your holy work!

    STEVE RAY HERE: That is all good advice but the rushing world with time crunches does not always allow for such counseling and afterthought. I was rushing thru the airport and it was something I did not have time to do. He was a smug mid-20’s guy and his whole deportment screamed “I am a rebel and love being deviant.” It was only possible to do what I did and then catch up with my wife who was heading to our gate.

  4. Steve Ray

    Posted this for Bill:

    I tried to post a comment on your blog but it rejected it for the reason below (which I don’t understand), so I’m putting it down below that.

    Your comment has been blocked because the blog owner has set their spam filter to not allow comments from users behind proxies.

    Thanks for your inspiring boldness on this. The vulgarity and trashy values that are now shouted out in public is rampant. People think they are cool or hip or cutting edge by participating in these disgraceful actions. We all need to call them on it and bring them back to their senses and what they’re doing to the culture. God bless.

    Bill Stockhausen

  5. Stephen J Gendregske

    I am curious as to how you feel about the use of abortion victim images in public. Many pro life people I encounter think they are to confrontational. What are your thoughts on this?

    STEVE RAY HERE: I think people need to see and hear. Everything is insulated today so people don’t know – never confronted with the truth. Just think if we do head pictures from Dachau and Auschwitz in Germany.

  6. Terry D

    I feel very sad for this person. Many still feel the pain of the impact porn has had on their life. They regret ever getting involved with this. My prayers that the rebuke brings the impetus to seek God. I have no doubt that you Steve never got into porn of any kind. I hope others will express besides anger over the impact porn has, great sorrow. To much of our society views this as “sowing wild oats”, a normal interest for a person , “a passage” in life. We all need to make reparation to God over what is happening among us. God please have mercy on us and help us.

  7. Tones

    Wow Steve you really told that guy. I wonder if Jesus would have done the same thing. Perhaps the women caught in adultery got off lighly with him. I just hope no one comes up to you in an airport and gives it to you for being a Catholic. That would really be something especially if they had got the wrong idea about Catholics from the media.

    STEVE RAY HERE: You may want to read the rest of the Gospels. Remember him whipping with cords, calling the Jews”white-washed tombs,” etc.?

  8. Mike Hunt

    How decent of you to walk up and publicly shame and humiliate another person. Is it your place to judge? I was under the assumption that only God could judge. I bet he is very disappointed in how poorly you represented your religion to the world. Shame.

    STEVE RAY HERE: You my friend are a wrong. First of all you should study more about what the Bible means by judging. We are commanded to judge over and over again, to make decisions between right and wrong and went to confront people are not confront them. I did not walk up and confront him as a "Christian" but as a normal human being. I never told him if I was or was not a Christian so he would not know that. Your idea of judgment is totally unbiblical and certainly a modern concept. The shame lies with people who are willing to tolerate every kind of evil and sexual perversion and turned their head the other way. This man was not shamed – he was a deviant and it was obvious in his face and his dress. There's no shame in my part my friend.

  9. Tom Govern

    Mike Hunt, the problem is that we do not push back as we should. This person was probably not disappointed as you say as he did not care, or used very poor judgement and was caught in the act. Either way, some type of rebuke was OK. I really believe that we Catholics are much too tolerant and slow to point out todays issues.

  10. David Greg Taylor

    I’ve been teaching in public schools for a quarter century, and it is obvious that the target of the porn industry is the young. It is easily accessible on smartphones. Heck, you can’t click on a link to a British online newspaper without seeing a pornographic image over on the right side of the page! It’s everywhere.

    The use of online payments on the web was pioneered by the porn industry. But the real tragedy is that young girls are being abused and lives are being lost by people who are raking in millions from their misery. Steve has it right. He has nailed it. This is an industry that glamorizes the objectification of women. It deadens young men to the proper channel for the urge to mate, which is marriage and the protection of its natural product, children.

    Bravo, Steve! Keep up the good work.

  11. Peter Rowe

    Mike Hunt, we keep hearing and hearing “don’t judge,” even when horrific acts are committed .Pornography usually involves unmentionable acts, acts which are mortal sins even inside the marital covenant. Women have been debased and degraded by porn. Young men – in their early 20’s, now struggle with sexual problems because they have watched so much porn. Porn – like all mortal sins (btw, if you commit mortal sin and die in it, you go STRAIGHT to the hot place) – destroys everybody and everything it touches. I am thankful that there are decent people like Steve who rebuke those who are destroying lives by their decision.

    It also seems like you are “judging” Steve.

    “If I say to the wicked, O wicked man, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at you hand. But if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way; he shall die in his iniquity, but you will have saved your life” (Ezekiel 33: 8-9).

  12. Joseph Valida

    So nice..keep it up, Brother Steve!

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