Most people love watching sports or playing golf or going to the movies — that's what gives them a thrill. Janet and I are probably considered a bit strange by most people because we usually get excited about different kinds of things. Today while exploring new churches and places in Rome — remember, I've heard there are an estimated 800 churches in Rome — we discovered the Chiesa de Santi Apostoli (Church of the Apostles). Well anyway, in the crypt below THIS church were the tombs of two of Jesus' apostles: Philip from Bethsaida and Simon the son of Alpheus (Mt 10:2-4). Now THAT was exciting for us and it was hard for me to leave. I know we are a bit strange! But then again, think about it — two of the Twelve Apostles who followed Jesus and helped turn the world upside down and eventually were martyred. And not only that, but they are alive in heaven and not just some old dead guys! And they will be two of the twelve names on the foundation stones of the New Jerusalem at the end of time (Rev 21:14) — the names of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb. How can that not be exciting?
