Flip Howard, who went with us on our last pilgrimage, sent me this picture. Janet and I are the last ones off the Galilee boat following our group up to Capernaum for Mass. This is along the same shoreline where Jesus and the disciples got off their boats many times.
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Janet and I are together 24/7 and I love being with her more every day. I really like this picture of us together. We’ve been married going on 33 years and this wonderful woman Janet is the best thing that ever happened to me — along with becoming Catholics together. I would not be who I am without her.
Our kids get a kick out of us together. When they were younger they used to always say things like, “You guys!” or “Do you always have to hug and kiss when our friends are here?”
Another pilgrim, Suzanne Calvano, took the picture to the left. Janet and I are on the Sea of Galilee with our whole group before we got off the boat for Mass. I think Janet is SO cute with that hat!
