My wife Janet has locked me away in enforced isolation and limits my email and internet to ten minutes a day 🙂  I am sneaking out right now to update everyone.

Actually, I agreed to write a Bible Study on Joshua, Judges & Ruth, three fascinating books in the Old Testament. They will be offered this fall through Later they will be combined into one book of about 300 pages published by Ignatius Press.

It has to be completed by April 15 complicated by the fact I am speaking at over 18 events around the country between now and then. So, I am putting my nose to the grindstone–I mean my fingers to the laptop for the few free weeks I have right now.

Books surround me, the laptop on my lap (must be where it got its name) is humming and hot, coffee is steaming on my little table and I am watching the grandkids feed the chickens out my window.

Opps, Janet is coming, I’ve got to go or ………..
