Dear Steve,
Just a note to thank you for your apostolate and message boards. I first saw you at the very first Fullness of Truth Conference in Houston Texas, with Alex Jones, Scott Hahn, Tim Staples, ect. This conference was the crossroads where I had to face the Truth that Holy Mother Church was who, in fact, she says She Is. The pope’s authority was one of the several key issues I was trying to reconcile. This conference was directly responsible for my re-version back to the faith.
After that conference I spent the next two years using your message boards to understand the faith and become an apologists. At the end of the day, God used you to help me in my reversion and provided a e-community for me to nourish and grow my faith.
Just so you know, at age 37, I was ordained a priest for the Fathers of Mercy on June 2, 2012. I absolutely love being a priest and a minister of God’s Mercy.
Thank you for all you do in Christ!
Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM
Fathers of Mercy
Humbling Message for Me from a New Priest
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