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On tours and pilgrimages, people often enter a church like it’s a museum or site-seeing destination. “Scratch that off the Bucket List!”

Europe has basically lost it’s faith and churches are no longer viewed as sacred places to encounter the presence of God. So, it was refreshing to see this sign outside of a beautiful, historic and majestic church in Europe.

“Visiting a church is not like visiting a museum or castle. Each building has to be seen according to its main characteristics and purpose. Looking at a church only as an artistic building or museum means you don’t understand is higher value, the meaning given by the faith of those men who sacrificed so much to have it built.

Big churches and even simple chapels are invitations to enter and let yourself be surprised. They’re high like heavens as you enter into sacred space and are drawn upwards. The silence takes you our of this world so you can meditate, look for the absolute, think about the important things and pray.

A church has a soul: a prayer in the presence of God, a Christian community gathering together to worship God in his infinite goodness. Come and listen for this church has many things to tell you.”


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Janet M Prouty

    What a beautiful reflection and reminder. I really love the line ” A church has a soul” how very true –especially active Catholic churches with the Real Presence. I too find it disheartening to see churches treated as museums or mere buildings. And how much this lack of reverence reflects the death of our own soul and the soul of the nation.

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