Video moved to my Pilgrimage website here. You can also watch this video directly on YouTube here.

Everything went GREAT! Mass at Calvary where Jesus was nailed to the cross, touched the top of Calvary where the blood flowed, visited the tomb, and had a group picture in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Then back to breakfast at the Notre Dame. Boarded the bus and headed to Bethlehem for shopping. After 1 1/2 hours in the beatiful shop we went to Shepherd's Field and the Milk Grotto.

Then to the Christmas Tree Restaurant for filafils and schwarma sandwiches. Then a tour of the Church of the Nativity touching the place where Jesus was born. Then out of Bethlehem to the town of Ein Kerem where Mary visited her relative Elizabeth and here I gave my talk on Mary the Ark of the New Covenant. Then on to the Israel Museum to visit the nearly one acre model of the city of Jerusalem as it was in the time of Christ. Back to the Notre Dame for some free time before a good dinner.

The evening was spent viewing the fabulous Shroud of Turin exhibit led by Fr. Kelly. Lino Rulli, the Catholic Guy on Sirius Satellite joined us this evening. Everyone is doing great! NO PROBLEMS! More soon with videos hopefully on Sunday.
