These videos were taken when I could still run. You will enjoy seeing where Jesus and Joseph worked, and their hometown as it is today. Join me for two running adventures.
Their life was very different from ours and I will take you on a walk/run through “A Day in the Life of the Holy Family.” The picture to the left is one of my favorite pictures of St. Joseph.
Having been to the Holy Land over 65 times my wife and I feel like we know them and have experienced their lives in a small way.
If you are interested, you can view two of my YouTube videos where I put on my running shoes and sweat a bit to explore the land of the Holy Family: 1) Running around inside Nazareth where the Holy Family lived, and 2) Running from Sepphoris to Nazareth where Jesus and Joseph worked during the day before hiking back home up into the hills of Nazareth.
Two of my articles you might like to read: 1) Is It Correct to Call Joseph the “Father” of Jesus, and 2) an interesting angle on the Ever-virginity of Mary.
We also produced a documentary on Mary, Mother of God and another which shows their life, Jesus, the Word Became Flesh. Also a talk I gave at a conference entitled, A Day in the Life of the Holy Family.