Today we started with Mass on the side of the “mountain” where Jesus gave his Sermon on the Mount. It is called the Church of Beatitudes. Then we drove north to the Lebanese border to visit Banias — called Caesarea Philippi in the New Testament. Here Jesus said to Peter, “You are Peter (Rock) and on this rock I will build my Church.”
After my talk “Peter: the Rock, the Keys and the Chair” we drove to lunch at a Druze Restaurant in the Golan Heights. Then we journeyed south  along the Syrian border through the Golan Heights. We arrived at our hotel in time for a few hours off to rest, fish, swim, or whatever the pilgrims wanted to do. I know Msgr. Deutsch took off for a long run through the city of Tiberias.
Then we regrouped at 6:00 PM for a delicious dinner at Aberge Shulamit in Rosh Pina. That video will be Part II below and uploaded soon.

Dinner at Aberge Shulamit
