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I woke up a little after 4:00 AM and thought, “Why lay awake when I can explore the holy sites of Jerusalem before the sun comes up and see the sun rise over the city?”

So, I jumped up, dressed, put on my running shoes and took off. I planned this out as if it was a tour and I am leading you through these sites. I have 71 pictures and 18 videos along with an interactive map.

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Church of Agony in Garden of Gethsemane

Passing over Mount Zion I point out the biblical sites. Past the Dung Gate and the Western Wall I go through the Kidron Valley and along the Garden of Gethsemane up to the top of the Mount of Olives for a stunning view of Jerusalem with only its own lights and gradually lit by the golden morning sun.

Next we enter St. Stephen’s Gate to follow the Stations of the Cross – the Via Dolorosa before arriving at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Here we join a Mass on Calvary for a few minutes, touch the top of Calvary and go down to the tomb of Christ for a few moments of the Franciscan High Mass. 

Around the Old City and out New Gate to see the beautiful Damascus Gate, the Church of St. Stephen which commemorates the location of the death of the first martyr. I explain a bit of the fake called the Garden Tomb as we go by and arrive back at the Notre Dame. 

I hope you enjoy the tour with pictures of people, places and things 🙂

To join the adventure, click here or on the map below.
