Tonight I took my beautiful wife of 31 years out to dinner. As always, more that anything I love being alone with her and discussing a hundred important things together. (Most of my creativity takes place when I am alone with her.)

But that is not what I am writing about, sorry!

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After our dinner the waiter took our payment and said, "Happy Holidays!" and turned to leave.

I said, "Merry Christmas, we prefer to keep CHRIST in Christmas!"

He was startled and stopped. He turned and looked at me. Then he said, "Thank you! Me too! Thanks! I get tired of all that political correctness. Merry Christmas to you too!"

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You know, I think he wanted to say "Merry Christmas" to me, but he was either required to say "Happy Holidays" or he was just culturally conditioned or afraid to say it. Either way, I hope I had a small impact in his life.

I encourage everyone this year to assert themselves — say "Merry Christmas" and tell everyone why you insist upon that greeting! Glorify the Lord, have an effect on your culture, and encourage others that WANT to say Merry Christmas to break down and actually DO IT!

By the way, "Happy Holidays" comes from the phrase "Happy Holy Days" and so even the "politically correct" people are unknowingly acknowledging the sacredness of Advent–without even knowing it. It PAYS to be culturally, historically and biblically correct. Only fools are "politically correct."
