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Happy Birthday to my Mom who will turn 99 years old. No one who sees her believes she that old. The cool thing is she is sharp as a tack, witty with her good sense of humor, deeply in love with Jesus and praying for everyone. The bad thing is we are not allowed to visit which seems like a crime.

We have a Zoom birthday party planned for her with real presents, flowers and cake actually delivered while we celebrate over video. We have been able to see her periodically over the last months, even “kidnapping” her a couple of times and spending the afternoon together. The picture is one of those precious afternoons with my three brothers.

My father died 6 years ago at the age of 94. They had been married for 73 years. I learned about the Lord, family, marriage and life from the “school” they provided for me as I grew up. They were heroic and godly people and my Mom keeps that going strong even today. Happy Birthday, Mom!

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Rob Murphy

    Hope she lives many more healthy and happy years! Hopefully you can visit her soon…… and your brothers look a lot tougher than you!

  2. Janet M Prouty

    Janet, servant of Jesus Christ and sister of Ed, Margie, Bob and George to Steve and his family who are called beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ, may mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you (paraphrase of Jude 1-2) I love the openings of the different epistles and thought you might appreciate it.
    I want to thank you for sharing your family with us over the years. I pray that your mother will be able to spend more time with her sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren before she is called home. God bless.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Janet leave it to you to come up with some thing so clever, insightful and encouraging. Thank you so much for your kind words and your cleverness.

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