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Today is the pinnacle of our pilgrimage through Mexico. We started in the outlying areas learning the history, culture, and backdrop for the Catholic heritage of Mexico. We learned of the first Spanish missionaries who came, the first baptisms and the Mass conversions due to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Our guide Roberto is a wealth of knowledge, a devout Catholic and an amazing historian. He has been able to clearly relay the history of Mexico and the foundations of the Catholic Church here with great clarity and enthusiasm.

Now today, everything culminates with a visit to Our Lady of Guadalupe, which is the most visited Catholic shrine in the world. Over 20,000,000 people come to visit Guadalupe each year. Even as we’re driving in the streets today and the highways we see processions of people walking and riding bikes and taking buses to be at Guadalupe for December 12.

We started the day by going straight to see the Tilma with the image of Our Lady before the crowds arrived. What an amazing time — I could see it in the faces of the pilgrims.

Then Roberto took us on a tour of the whole shrine. We had Mass in front of the Tilma with Mary’s image. Fr. James Conlon’s homily is here.

Then a “delicioso” lunch just outside the shrine. Then everyone had the rest of the afternoon free to pray, explore and enjoy Guadalupe! Enjoy!


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Patricia Wood

    Is there a trip planned to Guadalupe for 2019?

    1. Steve Ray

      Sorry, no. Our next trip to Guadalupe Mexico is in November 2021. We take a group there about every three years. You can always check our schedule at http://www.footprintsofgod.com.

  2. Sharon Weil

    The Footprints of God site isn't making any mention of a trip to Mexico in the upcoming years – have you decided to focus on other trips instead? And if so, is there a Guadalupe pilgrimage you could recommend?

    STEVE RAY HERE: Sharon, thanks for asking. We hope to do another pilgrimage to Catholic Mexico and Guadalupe in 2023. Since Oberammergau was postponed until 2022 and we had two trips planned for that, it bumped our Mexico trip back one year. Sorry. It is not planned yet, but we do hope to do Mexico in 2023.

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