I just finished posting over 100 pictures I took during our pilgrimage. Here are two wonderful shots we have of the whole group together. The first is a picture taken at the Jordan River where we all renewed our Baptismal Vows. It is wonderful to again renounce Satan and affirm our belief in the Trinity and the redemption in Christ. While standing barefoot in the water, little minnows nibble on your toes. To see Jordan picture larger, click here.




The second picture was taken after we had Mass in the actual Tomb of Jesus inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Inside the tomb the only Mass celebrated is the Easter Mass and is it always very moving to recite the Creed: “For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered died and was buried. On the 3rd day he rose again in fulfillment of the scriptures.“ To touch the stone and kiss the place where he was laid and from which he rose again is truly profound. His Incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection are the pivotal points of all space and time. To see Holy Sepulchre picture larger, click here.

For over 100 pictures, click here.  For our hour-by-hour schedule with web links, click here.
