Tomorrow is the Feast Day of Deacon St. Lawrence.

Young Deacon Lawrence (only 28 years old when killed) was the treasurer for the Church in Rome and responsible for the care of the poor. When the Emperor called Lawrence to appear before him he demanded that Deacon Lawrence–as the treasurer of the Church of Rome– turn in all the treasures of the Church. The next day Lawrence gave the money to the poor and then brought all the poor of the Church to the Emperor and said, “These are the treasures of the Church!”

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As expected, the Emporer was infuriated and commanded that Deacon Lawrence be tortured and killed. Lawrence was then martyred by roasting. They put him on a grill and roasted him to death. Halfway through the torture, he shouted cheerfully from the flames, “I’m well done on this side. Turn me over!”  He is buried in St. Lawrence  Outside the Walls in Rome along with St. Stephen and St. Justin Martyr.

Because of his answer, he is the patron saint of comedians, cooks and chefs. Don’t you just love Catholic humor!

I know SO MANY marvelous deacons today. We should all be grateful to the deacons that serve us in the Church today!


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mike Mudd

    The oldest church in our diocese of Owensboro, KY is named after St. Lawrence. It’s just a mile from my house and my wife and I got married there. He’s well know in these parts. It’s obvious why he is also a patron saint of comedians among others.

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