Good Movies for Catholic Families; Good Way to Start a New Year

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Janet and I got rid of television years ago. We called the cable company and canceled our service. We began reading more and renting movies for the family to watch together. It have been a huge life-changer and has had a noticeably positive effect on our family.
We put up a list of the Ray Family Favorite Movies on our website along with other resources for Catholic families. We have to admit that much of our culture is shaped by movies. But not only movies. Our kids are also shaped by what they watch on TV. As parents we have to protect and educate our children — preparing them for heaven.
And I don’t miss being insulted by stupid commercials and commentaries. TV aims at the status quo or lower, and helps shape peoples’ minds to be status quo or lower. Not for ME!
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Another great source for information is the Decent Films website. This is a goldmine of information for Catholic families who want to know what their kids are watching and what they should be viewing together in the home.
I strongly suggest that families cut the ties with the TV and start watching wholesome and wonderful movies together as a family. Netflix is one way our family has selected movies to watch.
There may be other rental services available as well (let us know in the Comments below if you know of any). [Thanks to Kevin Lay of Scepter Press another good site is]
It is smart to set up a movie night and make a family affair out of it. Kids love such family events and might not even realize that we are shaping their morals and values at the same time.
Popcorn anyone?
