This is a fun family. Janet and I went to Mass Saturday evening so we could cook a nice brunch for my son Jesse, his wife Anna and the seven kids.

Psalm 127:3–4  “Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.”



This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. philipofJMJ

    8/7/15 – New RJMI audio lecture:
    · An Explanation of Isaias 25
    Isaias Chapter 25 speaks of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, His destruction of all evildoers and evil nations by fire, His protection of the Elect (good Catholics), the necessity of patience to be saved, and the purified earthly paradise in which there will be no more sin, sinners, or any kind of evil and in which Christ will rule as the King of kings and the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Queen of queens.
    7/31/15 – New RJMI audio lecture:
    · RJMI Update 7-26-2015
    I speak about Vimeo banning our videos. I am adding two sections to my Hellenization of Christianity book that deals with Scholasticism and other humanists and hence the book is delayed. The new title is The Hellenization of Christianity by the Anti-Church Fathers, Scholastics, and Other Humanists. I completed a new book titled Apostate Adolf Hitler’s Sins and Non-Sins. It is being edited and will be posted soon, along with my book Woe to You Who Call Evil Good! which has been greatly revised.
    7/24/15 – New RJMI audio lecture:
    · The “Hail Mary” Prayer Is in the Bible
    This lecture proves how the Catholic “Hail Mary” prayer is actually in the Bible. Protestant heretics and other bad-willed people who read even their heretical Bibles and refuse to honor Jesus’ mother Mary by rightfully calling her the “Mother of God” and “blessed among women” are dishonest and shameful hypocrites.
    7/24/15 – Re-uploaded RJMI video lectures previously deleted by Vimeo:
    · Vlr25 – Fear of the Jews
    · Vlr27a – Accursed Jews, Part 1
    · Vlr28 – God Punishes Sinners and Sinful Nations
    · Vlr31 – Black Criminals, Racists, and Radicals
    · Vlr35 – Assisi 1893: Chicago’s Idolatrous World’s Parliament of Religions
    · Vlr36 – The Desecration of St. Peter’s Basilica
    · Vlr49 – Transgender Freaks
    · Vlr50a – Conspiracies of the Jews, Part 1
    · Vlr50b – Conspiracies of the Jews, Part 2
    These video lectures are now on the St. John the Baptist Website and are available for download.
    7/20/15 – RJMI Update:
    Because many of our videos have been banned by YouTube, we uploaded the banned videos to Vimeo. Several months back, Vimeo also began banning our videos and deleted our first account. Now as of 7/20/15, Vimeo has again banned us from their server, deleting all our videos and our second account. The Vimeo Staff emailed us the following excuse:
    “Vimeo does not allow videos that harass, incite hatred, or include discriminatory or defamatory speech.”
    We are now in the process of uploading our videos on another server. In the meantime you will notice many of our videos have broken links.

  2. Darrell

    With parents and grandparents like that, I wonder what the chances are of those kids growing up to be responsible, productive, servants of God? Hmmmm……probably about 100%. Kudos, Ray family, and keep up the good works! 😉

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