From Womb to Tomb – My Hike from Nativity in Bethlehem to Calvary in Jerusalem

Janet and I had a free day so I decided to take an adventure. I called my friend George in Bethlehem and he picked me up and drove me to the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem.

I started my walk from the place where Jesus was born. That’s why the title is from “Womb to Tomb.” I visited a lot of my friends in Bethlehem and saw a lot of sites and I will share them all with you.

Then I went to the checkpoint out of Bethlehem into Jerusalem and walked the long distance to the old city just like the Holy Family did for the Presentation.

My goal was to end at Calvary and the tomb of Christ. So you can join me virtually from “womb to tomb,” from the very beginning of Jesus’ life on earth in Bethlehem to the very end of his life on earth at Calvary in Jerusalem. I hope you enjoy the adventure!
