Today was a full second day and we had a wonderful itinerary. Mass at St. Clare’s in Assisi, a tour with a local guide who was a REAL believer whose brother is in seminary to be a priest. The “spirituality” of local guides is essential which is why we tolerate NO guide who is not a true believing Catholic.

I told Janet and my conversion story on the drive to Rome along with the Rosary and time for a nap 🙂  It was fun to see everyone’s eyes the first time they saw the Dome of St. Peter’s.

For Fr. Bryan Hersey’s homily today in the Church of St. Clare above her tomb, click here.

Enjoy the video of today and stay with us for our amazing days in Rome. Tomorrow we have the General Audience with the Pope  and lots more.



This Post Has One Comment

  1. Bob Vance

    Thank you Stephen Ray for the tour. Nice job. Praying for all of you on the trip, especially for Greg and Sue Stout (Sue is my sister). Hi Sue. Hi Greg.

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