The Original Story


From my friend and canon lawyer Ed Peters: Why the Original SSPX Excommunications were Valid (Jan 27, 2009)

While we await the L’Osservatore Romano article that is to offer an account of how Pope Benedict XVI arrived at the decision to lift the excommunication imposed on the four priests who received episcopal orders illicitly (c. 1382) from Abp. Marcel Lefebvre in 1988, the materials now coming from the Society of St. Pius X continue, in my opinion, to add to the burden such an article must carry if the remission is to make sense to otherwise well-disposed outside observers.
In the meantime, those who would like to see some responses to the canonical arguments by which the SSPX claims that the 1988 excommunications were never incurred in first place, may consult my latest post:


The Vatican Explains Why it Lifted the Excommunications
