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After 20 days, 30 talks and 14 flights and sweating in the heat and humidity (usually about 89 degrees with 90% humidity) we are back home from Guam and the Philippines and settling in to “normal American life” again.

Thanks to all those who prayed for us and showed interest in our 4th Missionary Journey to the Philippines. Pray for this amazing nation that Catholics will arise to defend their faith and straighten out their country.

In these pictures you can see how we traveled about at times on a “tricycle” which is a motorcycle with a side car attached. They are everywhere! On this occasion we were on our way to speak at the small local Catholic Church on the island of Boracay.

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It was mostly young people singing beautifully and vibrant for their faith. The bottom picture is our Farewell Dinner with the Defensores Fidei group, Bo Sanchez, Tim Staples, and a number of “well wishers“ and other sponsors.

It is good to be back home and charge our batteries before taking off again on February 11.

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