Excellent Short Video Synopsis of Where we are in America: A Review of Last Year and Looking Forward

You don’t think Big Tech are bullies and censors? This was a great video about how the election was rigged and they banned it. Creepy people and creepy things happening in our country. Scarey stuff!



This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. JoAnne McCormack

    Wow took it down already. Please go to rumble, Steve. Would love to see this

    STEVE RAY HERE: Yup! The Left that controls the media hates free speech. They hate Christians, the Constitution, the Bible, the Catholic Church, Trump and homeschoolers. SHUT UP they yell at us. They control the media and tech so we are being silenced.

  2. Erwin N Bulatao

    Hi Steve,

    Please post your video on rumble.com or brigtheon.com where it won’t be censored.

    STEVE RAY. I usually do both.

  3. Guillermo Bobe

    How does it feels to be blocked by a liberal left wing organization?

    STEVE RAY HERE: Free speech is gone. All the other freedoms will follow.

  4. Veronica Hilliard

    Hi am very interested in seeing this video. Please upload it to Rumble, which seems to welcome free speech.

    STEVE RAY HERE: I don’t have it any more now that it was deleted. Freedom of speech is gone. All the other freedoms are tumbling too, like dominos.

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