The post below was from a year ago but certainly still very timely. The blog hit a nerve so I am reposting this. Having been on EWTN a couple of times since this original posting, I must say that EWTN and affiliates are spot on and I support them and their ministry and assessment of the Church all the more. God bless them.

The latest from Raymond Arroyo is his defense of American Catholics against Pope Francis’s statement, “It’s an honor that Americans are attacking me.” And in the last few days, Pope Francis commented he is not afraid of a schism with the American church and said, “When you see Christians, bishops, priests, who are rigid, behind that there are problems and an unhealthy way of looking at the Gospel.” When he says “rigid” he means us who believe there is such a thing as right and wrong, sin and righteousness and that the doctrine and morals of the Church are stable and sure.

This seems to me to be a progressive attempt to make the Church fluid in its teachings, to evolve with the culture, accommodate those who refuse to repent and believe the Gospel, and to change the fundamental doctrine and morals of the Church through altered pastoral practice. I think it could get real interesting in the next few months.

At the end of the month, Al Kresta and I will be giving back-to-back talks entitled, “How a John Paul II Catholic can Survive in a Pope Francis World.”


Reposted from about a year ago: A number of good Catholic journalist and newscasters are speaking out about what is going on with the Vatican. Raymond Arroyo is one of them.

Raymond Arroyo is a New York Times bestselling author, journalist and a producer. He is the news director and lead anchor of EWTN News, the news division of the Eternal Word Television Network. He is creator and host of the news magazine The World Over Live seen in more than 350 million households around the globe and heard on 500 AM/FM affiliates throughout the US. Arroyo is also author of the best-selling Will Wilder series (Random House/Crown) for young readers” (Wikipedia).

Robert Royal, editor of The Catholic Thing (which everyone should subscribe to for a free daily news commentary) and president of the Faith & Reason Institute based in Washington, D.C along with Fr. Gerald Murray, canon lawyer and priest in the Archdiocese of New York, join Raymond in speaking out honestly about what many are afraid to discuss. See one of their latest discussions here.

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Raymond Arroyo was recently mentioned in a Tweet retweeted by the Secretary of State of the Vatican, Fr. Antonio Spadaro. In fact, it called for the firing of Arroyo and that the Church “interdict EWTN until they get rid of Raymond Arroyo” (see Tweet attached). An “interdict” is pretty much one step short of excommunication. My guess is that Arroyo’s popularity will soar as a result.

Here is what Robert Royal wrote as an introduction to The Catholic Thing Article today:

Note: Heartfelt thanks to all of you who expressed support and offered prayers over the past few days after stories appeared about a retweet by Antonio Spadaro S.J., a close collaborator of the Holy Father’s, calling on EWTN to fire Raymond Arroyo for his criticisms of various recent papal moves (and no doubt for the now five-year run of the Papal Posse). Or be placed under interdict.

This was either a weak attempt at intimidation or a lame attempt at humor – in either case, quite imprudent from someone who knows that what he says is taken, rightly or wrongly, to reflect back on Pope Francis.

Be assured, this portends no serious harm to me. This is why we have independent think-tanks and publications like The Catholic Thing, so that at least some in both Church and society may speak freely. Fr. Murray is most likely fine as well. But it’s not entirely a laughing matter for a prominent media figure like the talented Mr. Arroyo. If you want to express support, take a look at #imwithRaymond.

In any case, it will have no effect on our labors to understand and speak truth as we see it. – RR

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This Post Has 95 Comments

  1. Ann Marie M Odell

    Mr.Arroys is not only a good journalist,author, loving husband and father he a good Catholic! If the news is reported with good taste and honestisty then why are you looking to find something to complain about. No wonder why the church is losing not only the young but some of the old. Mother Angelica and EWTN has given hope to so many people and many are coming back to the church due to the type of programming they have which includes World Over Live and Conversations with Raymond Arroyo!! Shame on the Vatican who should look in their own backyard before condemning others. Thank you Raymond God bless you.

  2. Ann Marie M Odell

    I support Mr. Arroyo he ia a great journalist and catholic. EWTN only carries programming that is good and good for people. Maybe the Vatican should look in their own backyard first. Thank you

    1. Marina

      Raymond Arroyo is one of my favorite Catholic hosts – he is clear, conscientious and unafraid to deal with thorny issues.,
      This pope’s attitude is vindictive and not befitting the leader of the Catholic Church.
      He appears to be focusing too much on migration, money, ecumenism, climate change, same-sex unions – no place, no time to be the Shepherd of the Catholic Church.. He and Joe Biden are two of a kind. – that is why they get along so well.

    2. Marceal

      Raymond is an inspiration to the whole of the diaspora of christian pratices

  3. Ann Marie M Odell

    I support Mr Arroyo he is a good catholic an journalist.

  4. Sandi

    The Vatican should know that EWTN was founded by Mother Angelica. She did not give in to bullies and the network she left as a legacy won’t either. She stood for authentic Catholic truth and so does EWTN. Kudos to Raymond and all the members of EWTN.

  5. M.C, Miranda

    We thank God for the integrity and the love for truth and church that comes so clearly through The World Over. We never miss the program. I do not even want to think what kind of person this priest is that wants Mr. Arroyo fired. We pray for Mr. Arroyo, for EWTN, and we know Mother Angelica will also be interceding in heaven. She was no stranger to attacks like this.


    I’M wondering what Mother Angelica will say about the present situation of the church now! As for myself the religious education i received from my parent and the Baltimore catechist are what i hold on to. O Blessed Mother save the Church and our Sherpperd from errors.


    The vatican cant shut down EWTN.It is a private network.

  8. sandi

    Eliane — nobody said the Vatican was trying to shut down EWTN. Raymond Arroyo works for EWTN and the Vatican would like to see him fired and have everyone who works for EWTN indicted until he is fired. Indicted means banned from most sacraments.

  9. susan amoroso

    I am an EWTN follower since 2008. I can not understand this move of some Vatican personalities, if true, they want Raymond Arroyo fired from EWTN and EWTN staff be indicted. For what? What right does the Vatican has to demand that? What exactly did Raymond Arroyo did or say that contradicts the teachings of the Catholic Church? Mother Angelica, founded EWTN on very solid Catholic foundation and had always stood behind the precepts and teachings of the Catholic Church. Arroyo has I think still to this day follows those precepts and has always advocated to safeguard the teachings of the Catholic Church and to report errors if there are with this premise: to safeguard the flock of the Catholic Church from errors that may be committed of some personalities, entities, in and out/ or of the Vatican.

  10. I J Thevenot

    Mr Arroyo does his reputation no favours by appearing on Fox, The Ingraham Angle, being uncharitable about various points of view and making fun of serious situations. I hope and believe the Catholic point of view remains uppermost, in keeping with the Bible’s admonition to “love thy neighbour”. It’s disappointing to see him engaging in this game.

  11. Michael - Catholic. Father of ten

    Al Kresta once observed that the first milinium was of the bishops, the second of the priests and the third of the laity. After the sex abuse crisis where progressive ideas and impure personnel were introduced into our Church, the laity, in the Name Of Christ, began to cathichize themselves and ask respectful questions.

    It is a red flag when one respectably asks questions of leaders why they are not doing things as taught by our Lord and those questioned use threats to shut up those with questions. Historically, we have and see this tactic used by right and left wing socialists, Islamic extremists, and Hollywood predators.

    From now on, this “”Reagan Marine” will “trust but verify” anything that is not in conformance with Sacred Tradition, Sacred Scripture, the deposit of faith and 2000 year old magisterium. We must carefully test the spirits.

    We can not be ordered by anyone to sin. This includes being silent about sex abuse as well as other other deceptions of the devil, which has seeped into the Church through cracks in our walls.

    I encourage all Catholics to continue fasting from meat or other things past lent on both Wednesday and Friday except for special holydays for our Church leaders to be led by the Holy Spirit and not the spirit of this world. We do have many holy clergy already and we need to participate in a rescue mission to save their brothers who may be confused.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Lovely and I agree 100%!

  12. Phil Senjanin

    Arroyo I suspect is a Trump supporter. I do not believe you can be a Trump supporter, and a Christian.

    1. Christine

      Mr. Senjanin,
      I’m not in anyway trying to be argumentative; I’m just offering my humble opinion that while I understand former President Donald Trump does not always choose his words correctly and is quite rough around the edges, a true Christian/Catholic certainly cannot support the opposing side, especially with its stance on the issue of life. Anyone who calls them self a follower of Christ cannot support a candidate who defends the right to recklessly take the life of an unborn child…life at its most vulnerable state. A person who wants to fulfill their civic duty to vote has to choose one candidate over the other, and as a Catholic myself, first and foremost, that candidate must be openly Pro-Life.

  13. Tim Smith

    I recently saw Mr. Arroyo on Fox News with Laura Ingraham who also is "supposedly" Catholic. I will never watch these two ever again. They certainly do not represent the Catholic church the way that I understand it.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Tim, thanks for sharing and I respect your right to disagree but I have to say they are both good and faithful Catholics and I love both of them, what they are saying and how they are getting the truth out there. God bless both of them!

  14. Peter Vere, JCL

    Speaking as a Byzantine Catholic and a political conservative who lives outside of the U.S., one of the most common complaints I come across from parishioners at both our local Latin parish (which includes a TLM community) and our nearest Byzantine parish is that EWTN has lost its Catholic spiritual and evangelical fervour, as its focus shifts to American politics and the Trump presidency. That is, EWTN increasingly feels like Fox News at prayer.

    For example, Mr Arroyo’s derisive dismissal of Catholic youth last month, which my colleague Mike Lewis covered at Where Peter Is:

    This is why like many Byzantine Catholics I have switched my primary listening habits from EWTN to Ancient Faith Radio. The latter may be Eastern Orthodox, but it remains spiritually and catechetically grounded from a practical orthodox Christian perspective. Ancient Faith also largely avoids being sucked into the pitfalls of American politics–perhaps because its programming is produced internationally.

    Moreover, during the past year Ancient Faith has increasingly recognized and become more openly friendly towards its Eastern Catholic audience, and 99 percent of its programming concerns issues where Catholicism and Orthodoxy overlap such as how to foster a love of liturgy and the sacraments in one’s children when they are complaining about being woken up for Sunday worship. Plus there is Ancient Faith’s sacred music stream which I listen to in the car and at work.

    I just don’t get the same feel from EWTN anymore, despite having been a loyal listener and promoter of the station since my late teens.

  15. Peter Vere, JCL

    As an addendum to my previous comment, I would invite you to compare Raymond Arroyo's treatment of Pope Francis on EWTN with the following apologetic for Pope Francis by Abbott Tryphon of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia:

    STEVE RAY HERE: Thanks for your astute comments. I understand completely. We in the US are wrapped up in our own survival and problems and often forget that we are not the whole world 🙂

  16. Stephanie S Curtis

    We sure enjoyed coming to Alabama years ago to one of your conferences & hope to visit again since we retired. We bought lots of caps, t-shirts, books, pamphlets, medals. Brought them home & gave them to our Cathoic grade school, pre-school, left articles at the churc & gave the shirts & caps to youth leaders. Over a thousand dollars. We want to thank you for supporting Raymond Arroyo. We try to never miss his show.

  17. Bill912

    Phil Senjanin: Would you please logically explain your remarks?

  18. Elka Hern

    “Phil Senjanin April 29, 2018 at 12:47 PM
    Arroyo I suspect is a Trump supporter. I do not believe you can be a Trump supporter, and a Christian.” HA!!!!! HA!!!!!! HA!!!! This is the biggest laugh I have had in years. You can’t be a Trump supporter and a Christian, Ha!!Ha!!!Ha!!! Wow are you for REAL? Do you not know that God is using this President for our good and HIS GLORY!!!!

  19. Bill912

    Elka, it’s sort of like he’s saying: “I do not believe you can be (a supporter of the pro-life candidate) and a Christian.”

  20. DAinVA

    How can a person be a liberal/progressive/Democrat and still be a Christian when the Democrat party erased God from its party’s platform and supports the killing of life in the womb? Not very Christ-like if you ask me!

  21. virginia ravizza

    i was surprised to see raymond arroyo on fox news…..he too has become entralled with the likes of trump. a man who makes good into bad and bad into good….also , he has no fear of God……while reading psalm 36 vs1-4 my thoughts were of mr. trump….i'm sure every christian or jew is praying for God's hands in this situation.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Sorry to disagree with you Virginia. Sounds like you have been influenced by the likes of CNN and NYT. I personally am very fond of Trump and what he is doing as president. He is prolife, defending religious freedom and many other things that we can celebrate, finally. we respect your opinion, we just disagree.

  22. Bill912

    Virginia: Please read my question 4 posts above your; I now ask it of you.

  23. John Flynn

    Seems like the Catholic Church is selling out to Trump just as the Evangelicals have. I do agree on his stance for religious freedom, and pro-life issues, but I just don’t have any faith or trust in him. Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.

    Steve Ray here: in my own humble opinion, I disagree completely. I think Trump is the best president we’ve had since Ronald Reagan and I trust him to do the right things. I am certainly glad he was elected and cannot imagine where our country would be if Clinton had won in 2016. I support Trump all the way and I do so because it’s the most sensible policy for our country and he’s bringing back sanity.

    Remember, that the Catholic Church does not support or back any particular candidate so you can’t say the Catholic Church is falling for Trump. Rather, many of us Catholics who want sanity to our politics realize that Trump is the best thing that’s come along in a long time.

  24. Louise chirby

    Why is it that some people have to drag politics into moral issues? If the last scandal in the church had swept the whole church and not exempted the hierarchy, Catholics would not be suffering through this again. God help us! Mother Angelica must be weeping in heaven. She believed in moral truths, and her spiritual son Raymond is putting on the armor of God to carry on her legacy. Hang in there, EWTN , and God bless you all!

  25. mark hoying

    What I have observed over the past years of EWTN is that following their founder of Mother Angelica, the type of theology and ecclesiology are monastic. Expressions of the faith which are not a certain style are deemed liberal. And in the eyes of EWTN, liberal is wrong. Instead of finding truth, the outlook is to defend a monastic style Church. Raymond Arroyo is a strong advocate for Mother Angelica and this style. He outwardly does not support the present pope and his directions which he is leading the Church.
    Because EWTN has the market on Catholic programming, they control much of Catholic thought. If you control the media, you control the people. Unfortunately EWTN does not reflect true Catholic teaching, only one monastic style.
    I believe that there should be some control by the Bishop's Office of EWTN since they are called to be the teaching office of the Church.

    STEVE RAY HERE: I disagree with this comment but post it for the sake of conversation.

  26. mark hoying

    You may disagree with this comment but programming doesn’t lie. There is an attacking style to some programs which goes back to Fr. Corapi and Mother Angelica. This style only polarizes rather than unify. The use of the words such as liberal or progressive are seen as something nearly sinful. During the Mass portion of the EWTN programming, participation by women, a sign of peace, Communion under both Forms are left out. Latin seems to be the preferred language. The celebration of the Eucharist is foundational to the faith of Catholics and EWTN clouds the thoughts of its viewers by presenting a style which is not up to date. Viewers around the world believe this is the style which should be used in parishes. The television personalities of EWTN become like family to many viewers. To say anything against them would be a word against their family.
    Attitudes often times carry more weight than teaching. The attitude of Raymond Orroyo and EWTN is dividing the Church rather than bringing the attitude of Christ.

  27. Bill912

    mark hoying: Can you provide some evidence to support anything you wrote?

  28. mark hoying

    Yes, Bill912 there is much evidence for an attacking style exhibited by EWTN, Mother Angelica, Raymond Arroyo, etc. If one goes back to a number of programs on EWTN Mother Angelica attacks persons who do not agree with her style and asks viewer and listeners to turn in priests and bishops who do not agree with her style. Being in a parish in New Zealand many viewers in that country believed that all Catholics should follow the style of the Mass from EWTN.
    As far as proving attitudes, that is difficult to "prove" someone's intention. But actions show much of what is in a person's/station's heart.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Mother Angelica may have been bold and outspoken but her whole goal, and rightly so, was to help maintain the orthodoxy and historical tradition and teaching of the Catholic Church. She railed against heterodoxy and immorality and lethargy among the clergy. That’s exactly what Lay people should do. Bravo to EWTN!

  29. Daphne

    “Father forgive them. For they not know what they are doing.”
    When we say the prayer “Our Father” we are saying”forgive me only
    If I forgive others”
    First let us take the plank from our eyes, before we look for the speck
    In our brother’s eye”
    Jesus said He came for sinners.
    Righteous people do not need Him.
    He also said “ if you have not sinned, cast the first stone”
    Let us pray for our priests and civil leaders.
    In the wake of the present day scandal, instead of wasting our
    Time picking on others, let us spend time in praying.
    I suggest every catholic to fast at least once a week on Fridays with
    One meal.
    Attend daily mass.
    Recite the rosary and chaplet of divine mercy.
    Spend at least an hour in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
    Pray for all the priests especially the ones that have erred.
    Also say the prayer for priest found in the Pieta.
    My friends who are daily communicants have decided to
    Increase our weekly Adoration from 10 hours a week to 12 hours.
    And offer our rosary and chaplet of divine mercy for our priests.
    God bless each and every one of you with the Holy Spirit
    To discern the will of God and His Grace and strength to
    Accept His Holy will.

  30. Karin Carozza

    When the Pope allows some well-known politicians to continue spouting their insanity, yet considers the EWTN practicing Catholics –( in reality)- to be forbidden from the Sacraments—something is amiss in Italy. Wow, this is getting weird!.

  31. B. J . Silvaney

    I have noticed Raymond on Fox news lately. Has he been fired from EWTN? I thought it was unusual and worried he was being sucked into the secular slippery slope.

    STEVE RAY HERE: No, He is still on EWTN full blast. And doing a great job I might add. However, he realized there is the need to share Christian truth outside of the Catholic Bubble. I think he’s doing great on secular radio as well.

  32. Kathleen M Dux

    Raymond Arroyo has always been an honest reporter. I have watched him for years. He has interviewed some of the most outstanding Catholics over the years and he has always come across as a Catholic man who loves his Catholic Faith. Earlier in this thread, someone named Michael said this…”It is a red flag when one (respectfully) asks questions of leaders why they are not doing things as taught by our Lord and those questioned use threats to shut up those with questions. ” I think Michael makes an important point. The late Fr. Michael Scanlon, in his book,”The Truth About Trouble,” said…and I paraphrase,…if you are not sure what the truth is in a matter, look for the tail of the serpant. I think what Michael said about shutting someone up for asking questions is a tail of the serpant!

  33. audrey mchugh

    Why is no one talking about Pope John Paul 11 and Fr. Marcel Marcel. He kept him around and respected ,a rapist and abuser of women who also had a wife and children. and who made Cardinal Macarick bishop and Cardinal? There is enough guilt to go around. Lets not make this a political football. The Pope’s frenamy’s are coming out in force. It reminds me of the PresidentTrump’s administration.

  34. Marie-E. Coulombe

    I pray that Raymond Arroyo stops interviewing Bill Donohue. He is no more CREDIBLE.
    He is being supported financially by unworthy Bishops. He is no more in the Catholic orthodoxy.
    Please Raymond find someone else, as lay to comment on the problems of the Church…..He is not a good witness.

  35. Caesar J. B. Squitti

    Anti-Catholic agenda ?

    It seems that the issue of child molestation within the world, and especially THE CHURCH, is being used by some to attack THE CHURCH, and not focus on the extensive anti-family, agenda of radicals, be they homosexual and or lesbians.

    Perhaps Mr. Raymond Arroya, should refocus his attention on how pedophiles have corrupted society in general, both male and female, and stop attacking THE CHURCH so forcefully.

    STEVE RAY HERE: Let’s be clear that Arroyo is not attacking the Church, he is attacking evil forces within the Church which appear to go way up the organizational chart. This is not a problem of pedophilia as is now becoming clear. It is a homosexual issue and it needs to be rooted out all the way to the top. Bravo Raymond!

  36. John Sweeney

    I agree totally with the comment above that this is purely political and mr Arroyo and friends are out to get the pope for not adhering to “orthodoxy and traditional Catholicism” as they see it. They wanted Trump to flip to their evangelical and traditional side. They got the most disgustingly immoral liar in office. Pope Francis won’t bend to their wishes. The previous writer is correct about JP 2 also. Marcel reportedly even had sex with his own children. What would Bill Donahue label that. I wonder which Cardinals wiould admit to voting for the current Pope. Let’s have an investigation into the real and well known issues and not join Arroyo’s posse in delay. It’s like the whole guns and 2nd amendment fight which has now resulted in one more shooting.

    STEVE RAY HERE: I am allowing this comment (which in some ways I think unclear) for sake of discussion. I thoroughly approve of Arroyo and Trump which I want to make clear here.

  37. Bill912

    Perhaps John Sweeney should go to and put “maciel” in the search bar. Then, he would know what Bill Donahue would “label that”.

  38. Lisa MacDonald

    and further…..please stop attacking our Beloved Pope.

    STEVE RAY HERE: No one is attacking the Pope. We are just expecting him to do what a Pope is supposed to do. Silence is not what he is supposed to do.


    Is some sort of sell-out to China imminent? If the rumors prove credible (beyond plausible) it’s time for the laity to insist, by petition (preferably online–faster), that the pope resign. The proposed agreement would be a direct violation of the Lord’s call for unity (echoed forcefully by St. Paul). It is such a development that would be for the pope to say, in effect, “I am not the leader of the one, holy, and apostolic Church.” Therefore it would be the obligation of every faithful Catholic to seek his resignation. It would be a an abandonment of faithful, suffering Catholics in China, a disregard of their heroic resistance and that of their forebears, a slap at the heroic risks taken by faithful priests & bishops in China, and in effect a dismissal of the suffering and death of so many martyrs for the faith in the face of hostile civil government. One thinks of More, Fisher, Campion, Kolbe & others. One thinks of the heroic pontificate of John Paul II. This pope thinks he can just shrug off them and the Church they stood for??
    Am I right in thinking that this matter should be priority no. 1 until such a deal is undone? Time seems to be of the essence!
    Julian D. Woodruff
    Rochester, NY

  40. Denise Peters

    There is a sanctity of the Apostolic succession that Catholics believe, whether the pope is popular at that time in history or not. The radical right wing just doesn't appeal to this informed conscience and neither does Raymond A. God Bless our Holy Father whom the Holy Spirit is now speaking.

    STEVE RAY HERE: I’m glad you have great trust in the church and I do too. However, I must disagree with you concerning Pope Francis. He is doing great damage to the Church. Never in modern history has a Pope caused so much confusion and dissension. He acts more like a bully then he does like a shepherd. I love the church and I’m glad Jesus is in charge and that’s why I love being Catholic regardless of who sits on the papal throne.

  41. Bill912

    “The radical right wing”? This is about the Catholic Church, not politics. Nice try.

  42. Cheryl Ciolino

    Steve Ray: I’m with you 100%. Trump is far from perfect, but is the best president since Reagan. He tells it like it is, not what the bleeding hearts want to hear. We made this a great country based on Christian principles and everyone pulling his weight, not on govt. handouts. Get an education; get a job; get married; have children. Also, I’m with you 100% on the pope. He is trying to destroy the very institution he swore to protect and defend. Every day he does something against it. Having one of his minions tell the US bishops not to invite Raymond Cardinal Burke to their dioceses and to avoid him is rediculous. Is he so delusional that he thinks he is on his chilhood playground telling his friends to whom they may speak? The worst pope ever!!! No other pope, however bad, tried to change Church doctrine.

  43. Cheryl Ciolino

    Regarding R. Arroyo’s dismissal of youths’ opinions which were shared by F. Murray and R. Royal: He’s 100% correct and I agree with him. Youth have very little knowledge, little good Catholic formation, even less experience and no wisdom. the only thing they have IS youth. The saying that youth is wasted on the young is totally wrong; it’s the only thing they have going for them. The rest comes with age. Think I’m wrong? Who would you want to operate on you, an experienced surgeon with a successful track record or an inteligent surgeon perfoming this surgery for the first time?

  44. Chris

    Like St Teresa of Avila used to say…I must be doing something right, the devil is at work. Thank you Raymond for your superb job at getting the truth to the people. Pope Francis tactics are now commonly clear even to the blind…anyone who speaks the truth….see Vigano….must be muzzled. Savonarola had his tongue nailed to his palate for speaking the truth….a practice the vatican would no doubt exercise if it could…

  45. Bill912

    “Savonarola had his tongue nailed to his palate for speaking the truth…” Please provide a source for that.

    “…a practice the vatican would no doubt exercise if it could…” Evidence please?

  46. Alfonse Ciaccio

    If they are going to “Interdict” EWTN and Raymond Arroyo, why don’t they do the same to Fr. James Martin for his error in regards to issues of the LGBTQ people as he contradicts and dissents from Church teaching? Seems like some bullies dressed in red to me.

  47. Michael Smith

    What I see is that the Jesuits (SJ) and the Congregation of the Holy Cross (CSC) are more in line with the Episcopal Church. Absolutely nothing wrong, nor right, just not mainstream Catholic.

  48. Tom Tarzian

    Go, Raymond, go…Robert Royal, Father Murray and Steve Ray, too!

  49. Maureen Shea

    Thank God for men like Raymond Arroyo, Robert Royal and Father Murray. The truth is being told. Unfortunately not by the Vatican. There are some that have forgotten they’re priestly roles; saving souls!

  50. Barbara Caraturo

    Thank God for Raymond Arroyo and the papal posse. I look forward to hearing their clear analysis of the news coming out of the Vatican and how it measures against canon law. Pope Francis has contradicted Church doctrine on several occasions and has sold out the real Catholic church in China to boot. I don’t know what the Pope’s intentions are, but I do know that it his words and actions are hurting the Church. We need Raymond Arroyo’s show to expose the errors and to also bring to US Catholics news from our Catholic brethren throughout the world. You have 100% of my support Ray!

  51. Angeline Sanchez

    I fully believe Raymond Artoyo & the Papal Posse are
    serving God as they respectfully bring to light what
    should be of concern to all faithful Catholics!
    Things they discuss should be brought into the
    light so that the faithful can hear & attend to problems
    within the Church and there are many! This is
    important info. being presented; not to disparage the
    Pope, but alert the faithful that something is very
    amiss being promoted from the Vatican. We should
    not accept heretical teaching. We need to test the
    spirits & without the technology we have access to,
    we will only remain ignorant.
    Surely, the Vatican is not going to announce those
    things contrary to scripture and the Catechism that
    have been embraced during this papacy. “Without
    knowledge; people perish” EWTN is teaching
    Catholic truth and many of us are grateful. Raymond
    Arroyo, Robert Royal & Father Murray are true
    gentlemen and discuss this civilly for the viewer’s
    Additionally; for those who dislike Pres. Trump,
    please know that God uses who He wills for His
    purposes. The Old Testament demonstrates this
    when we see how our Lord used King Cyrus, a
    pagan, to help Israel during the Babylonian
    captivity. Be assured that God is with America
    when we have a President who is pro-life,
    appointing pro-life judges at every level, including
    2 on the supreme court. This is the first time we
    have had a president who has done so much for
    life issues. He is not perfect; he’s flawed as many of us
    are; but he is trying to do good where he can.
    Christianity, through faith, sees God’s actions in
    unexpected places.

    hear honest discussion on
    issues that need to be communicated to the


    Am in total support of EWTN and Mr. ARROYO. We have had too much secrecy in what our senior church officials do, say and support. God bless.

  53. Cathy lewis

    It is one thing for America to allow democrRs yo use scare tactics and cruel behavior for the morally correct

    Artoya, like our Ewtn history, told the truth
    Sadly ,Vatican has shown over and over it has 1/2 truth

  54. Mary Baer

    I beleive there is a lot of evil in the Vatican. I am catholic and I think our pope is too political and his is very sad. I love Raymond and will be praying for him.

  55. Marg Lam

    Thank you Raymond Orroyo. It is ironic that a Cardinal would attack you for bringing the truth of the doctrines of the church, and for him to criticize EWTN, a beacon of light in the baffling comments coming from the bishop of Rome, as the pope prefers. It has held the core of the faith for years. However, there is a deafening silence among cardinals and pastors, and bishops about the infanticide law passed in NY. No excommunications, no real action or outrage about this atrocity. The pope has a record of saying things that are shocking to informed catholics who know it departs from the magisterium. May God grant pope Francis his gift of wisdom and holy tradition of the church.The Cardinal should think about Gov Cuomo signing the infanticide law, and why he didn’t criticize that. It is a shameful thing to let that go without action of excommunication yet criticize catholics standing up for our true teaching. Many have not been taught the faith correctly post vat 2, but a lot of us have. We know that the social gospel and a lot of modernism is taking place. Thanks EWTN, and thank and may God bless you Raymond Orroyo.. Marg Lam

  56. Marg Lam

    It’s ironic that the Cardinal calls out a faithful catholic who has reported some of what the pope has said which is not in line with church teaching, yet he and all the Cardinals. Bishops and pastors say nothing about the infanticide law passed in NY by gov Cuomo. So now we are just a social action church? Turning to modernism? Well perhaps the Cardinal should examine the state of the spiritual growth of the church and correct the abomination of not excommunication for the Gov. And all who follow that path. It’s a disgrace that our clergy are sitting on their hands. The pope should step in to do it himself. Thanks EWTN and to you Raymond Orroyo. Praying for you. Marg L

  57. Marg Lam

    The cardinals should stop criticism of good solid catholic teaching and rebuke by excommunications the Gov Cuomo for signing the infanticide law. They are deafeningly silent about true evil. We are not merely a social action church we are first for Jesus Christ and spiritual can of the soul. I

  58. William & Patricia Salomone

    We are in favor of Raymond Arroyo. We do feel he compromises himself by appearing on Fox. Please Raymond get back to what you do best…..EWTN brings out the BEST in you. If Mother Angelica were alive she would be praying about these matters to affect a favorable outcome. We are sure she is praying now for the Pope and all of us who want to keep the Papacy from error. Let’s ALL pray along with her privately and in our special prayer groups. We love our Church and our Pope. AND …..we love EWTN. We will be donating. Thankyou for showing the truth no matter how ugly it gets.

  59. David Knapp

    There is no guile in Raymond Arroyo. Raymond and the Papal Posse always strive to give a thoughtful answers to all questions and events. Ideologues that mock and make accusations against Raymond would probably do the same to Jesus Christ.
    MICHAEL SEAN WINTERS editorial in the National Catholic Reporter are especially demeaning and ideological. His opinions and observations are political and not in a good way. Michael bears bitter fruit.

  60. Kathleen Herald

    I agree with the article from National Catholic Reporter who stated that Raymond Arroyo who hosts " EWTN's lead show, "The World Over," and it can charitably be said that he is more likely to have guests who are sympathetic with the politics of Donald Trump than with the social teaching of Pope Francis" I have been appalled at the comments made from Raymond Arroyo that have been inflamatory, Anti- Catholic and disrespectful to our pope. He defends horrible policy and is clearly against basic Catholic Social teachings"

    STEVE RAY HERE: I wouldn’t expect anything less from someone who gets their information and opinions from the National Catholic Reporter.

  61. Barbara Amaral

    STEVE RAY HERE: I don’t understasnd what Barbara is complaining about. Raymand Arroyo is acting completely properly as a lay newsman should act and is saying what should be said. I leave her comment approved for the sake of discussion. Buy to criticize Raymond, in my mind, is hypocritical and unwise.

    It's one thing to bring the news , but how it's conveyed is very important * To put humor into a serious situation ,like the scandals of priests and the victims of abuse is not appropriate ,even of calling a posse as what is happening at this time / We know that all things ,as our Lord tells us, will be revealed in it's right time ,according to God's will * Judging before the right time can be bad ,like when People who have been sentenced to death and found out later that they were found to be innocent ! This is why the death penalty is not the best solution when this happens / How we convey judgment tempered without mercy ,we have to look with in ourselves ,for all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God ,so that God can have compassion on us all + Justice must prevail ,yet remembering that Our Blessed Mother ,the Mother of our Lord and God ,Jesus Christ, told the children at Fatima ,Portugal to pray for poor sinners who because they don't have any one to pray for them ,that's why they go to Hell ! Spreading hatred and quick judgment too quickly can cause violent anger and the good sheep can become scattered and confused, like sheep without a shepherd * Prayer is so important for the victims ,especially and even for conversion and healing for the sick souls of the priests who were led astray by the errors of their superiors/ May the Lord bring us out of these darkened days in our church and in the world and let the Dawn from above shine on those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our path in the way of peace * To find peace and forgiveness in our hearts when he comes to judge the living and the dead + We will all have to stand before him on that day +* The peace of the Lord be with us and with our spirit * <3

  62. Ronald Erken

    Mr Arroyo’s editorial comments on 9/5/19 were superb; articulate, civil, insightful, and most important, valid. Please keep up the excellent work you do for the Church, which is obviously under severe attack not only from the liberal left culture, but also from within the Church. God help us!

  63. Kasia

    In total agreement with you Steve! Where will you and Al be giving your talks?

    STEVE RAY HERE: Kasia, we will be speaking at a private event for the Equestrian Order organization. I plan to post the talk on my blog afterward.

  64. Paul McMullin

    Thus far I am a protestant, as I have been for around 50 years, but I am investigating Catholicism, taking my time. . I enjoy much of EWTN, and Raymond Arroyo, and of course Robert Royal, and Father Gerald Murray. All three of you are a men of integrity, greatly admired, and we appreciate all that you do. Wonderful men of God, we need many more like you for sure. Please keep up the good work, and may God bless your work, your ministries, and all that you do, richly, in Christ’s name we ask this, amen.

  65. Lars-Goran Stahl

    Isn't a little bit strange that Mr Arroyo is always positive about what Trump is saying and doing and always negative about our pope?!

    STEVE RAY HERE: First, I think that is an exaggeration and second, I think there might be a good reason for that even though what you say is an exaggeration. I think a lot of good conservative Americans are doing the same thing for very good reason. Although your word “always” disqualifies your comment.

  66. Tim Othy

    The Catholic Church isn't selling out to Trump. I think Trump is an evil man and I don't like him any more than I do Hillary. Both are terrible for our great country. I love the Church but do understand that we have a liberal pope who is hurting the Church by ignoring the immorality of our day by narrowly focusing on minor ethical issues. It's the popular way to be today. You see a man about to murder another man who's going to step on a dog's tail and you jump to keep the dog from getting his tail stepped on while the man is murdered. What the Church needs now is that YOU and I begin to live holier lives. The only thing which can have the world focus on what's important is SAINTS!

    STEVE RAY HERE: Well, I agree with most of what you wrote but I suspect you get your info on Trump from the Lame Street Secular Media. I happen to be very fond of Trump and think he’s the best president this county’s had in a century.

  67. RC

    RC: You are correct I won’t approve your long-winded and vitriolic screed. Easy to respond to but way too angry, long, rude and self-important. Try being a bit polite and courteous next time if you want to be taken half seriously.

  68. tom

    I was at the station a number of years ago with a group of nuns and met mother Angelica. I enjoy Arroyo on Fox. Michael Magazine had an article about a woman involved helping to train men to become bishops and destroy the Church from within. Whatever happened to archbishop werle former bishop of Pgh. and arch bishop in D.C.I fought for my God,family and country. I believe the U.S.A. is headed back into Christianity. isn’t Schiff a descendant of one of Adolph’s right hand men?

  69. tom

    There was an article in Michael Magazine about an unhappy Catholic woman who helped establish a number of men to become bishops to undermine the church. Is this a repetition of the Russian scandel? One reason the underground church existed was even in Poland because communist approved bishops listen to the confessions of individuals and related the info to the communist gov’t. State ments have been made by a number of statements by various governments that Catholocism is a downfall of despotic governments. There wasw an incident of money laqundering thru Rome officials at one time. Gen. MacArthur said wars by footsoldiers was at the end of an era in his time. With technological advances war has changed. Is the current Chinese virus a formof global war? Notice how quickly the virus stopped after the collapse of the temporary hospitals and protestors have disappeared.Could escapees be the unknowing spreaders of the virus as teay escaped to other parts of the world?

  70. stephen root

    Raymond Arroyo is a breath of fresh air. I like his pieces on Fox news. He is doing God’s work and God is blessing him for it. Please continue to be a shining light, we need more Catholics like you….

  71. D. Esparza

    Mother Angelica must be turning in her grave, so to speak. I quit watching Raymond arroyo several years a go because he turned what should be a news broadcast into a political commentary/opinion hack piece. What comes out of his mouth and his haughty attitude are not examples of a true Christian. He fits well with the Alt-right truth challenged conspiracy theorists of Fox so called news channel. It is a disappointment that he still has a connection to EWTN.

    STEVE RAY HERE: D. Esparza, saddened to hear your words. I think most of the people visiting my sites would disagree strongly with you. I think Raymond is brilliant, marvelous and right spot on. Mother Angelica would be more than pleased with him and chime it with his opinions. He was her favorite and he is the biographer on her life which suggests he understands her better than anyone. Bravo EWTN! Bravo Raymond!!

  72. R Chaput

    You all are missing the point of the Holy Father. One above comment actually defined the work "rigid" for the Holy Father without seeking clarification of point being made. Why on God's green earth would EWTN (a catholic network) which I assume has been approved by the succession of US bishops get close to any division of the Holy Father. My observation is similar to D. Esparza. On other issue, priest are forbidden to engage in local, or federal partisan politics – why in the world would EWTN be exempt from this Catholic succession.

    STEVE RAY HERE: First, EWTN has some support from some bishops but is opposed and disliked by many others. The Catholic Church has not, nor do they, officially approve and endorse such private enterprises. Priests may be kept from partisan politics, but EWTN is an independent venture, NOT under the authority of bishops — and at this point I am glad they are not. They can speak the truth and point out errors, advise wisely on politics, etc. God bless them!!!

  73. Bill912

    D. Esparza: Can you give us some examples of what you are talking about?

  74. Joseph K McLaughlin

    Let’s make one thing perfectly clear. This is Mother’s network. Every brick, every prayer book, every camera. It ascends to its huge influence through pure orthodoxy, and what’s wrong with strict adherence to 2000 years of dogma?
    Pope Francis comes from a socialist culture. I think that he has a true vocation but it is many times lost in his confusing secular message, heavily influenced by socialism. Thank God his actions have been tempered by The Holy Spirit, and the results so far have not resulted in an attempt to change Christ’s teaching “from the chair”.
    With regard to his blatant bias against Americans: Doesn’t fit with his proclamations of love for humanity. Last time I looked, American citizens are still part of the human race, even those that may have more financial resources than his Holiness’ average fellow countrymen.

  75. R Chaput

    You all are missing the point of the Holy Father. One above comment actually defined the work “rigid” for the Holy Father without seeking clarification of point being made. Why on God’s green earth would EWTN (a catholic network) which I assume has been approved by the succession of US bishops get close to any division of the Holy Father. My observation is similar to D. Esparza. On other issue, priest are forbidden to engage in local, or federal partisan politics – why in the world would EWTN be exempt from this Catholic succession.

    STEVE RAY HERE: first, we are quite aware of what the Pope means by “Rigid“ which is exactly why we react to it. He’s referring to Young Priest and others who are staunchly holding to the faith of our fathers, the teachings and pronouncements of the councils and who wanna dress and act like real priests.

    Second, I’m not sure what country you live in, but you need to know that EWTN is not a “church entity“; rather, it is a private enterprise owned and run by lay people with episcopal advisors. There is no bishop who owes or controls it Since it is a privately run operation, Not an organization or wing of the church..

    I should really do their homework before they speak and things of which they have knowledge.

    Raymond who is teaching and conducting himself and his show exactly the way Mother Angelica would approve. He is her most true disciple, biographer of her plife, with her from the beginning. She’s smiling down from heaven I’m quite sure.

  76. Joe Hall

    Hi Steve, when I first saw this news story about a year ago I thought Lifesite news was reading too much into Spadaro’s retweet. Tony Annett said to put EWTN under interdict. It seemed to me the part of the tweet that Spadaro was retweeting was: “Make no mistake, these attacks on @antoniospadaro and @CardinalBCupich represent ‘total war’ on the papacy of Pope Francis”. It didn’t seem to me that Spadaro was necessarily agreeing with all of the tweet. “Total war” may be a bit inflammatory, but it’s hard not to draw the conclusion that attacking men picked by Pope Francis is not an attack on the Pope. I pretty much agree with that part of the tweet. Ave Maria. Joe

  77. Bill912

    Joe Hall: By “attacking” do you mean “criticizing”?

  78. Arlene

    I fully support Raymond Arroyo and I feel that we REALLY get the true news on his program. Mother Angelica would NEVER get rid of Raymond’s program so hopefully EWTN will fully support him. Love the Papal Posse.

  79. Joe Hall

    Bill912, I agree with you there is legitimate discussion of issues in the clip. This is necessary as Christians move forward to understand and integrate Pope Francis’ thought in our practice of the faith. But I feel some of the criticism does degrade into attacks on Spadaro’s and Cupich integrity. About Spadaro: “His words don’t express the truth…”, “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about…”, “It’s very offensive to someone to say…”.
    And on Cupich, the mocking laughing about Cupich’s “new momentum” at 28:35 was very disrespectful and moving beyond criticism. Probably the worst part of the clip is the complete lack of an interviewee who can defend Spadaro and Pope Francis. It feels like watching a CNN segment about Trump. Peace.

  80. Joe M.

    Viewed last nights' broadcast, (6/04/20), where Raymond indicated he saw nothing wrong in Donald Trump visiting St. John's Episcopal Church in DC, earlier this week. He failed to mention that in order to do so Trump had by-standers Tear-Gassed…I doubt the photo-op was worth doing harm to others. I also doubt Trump practices any religion. We should be careful about propping up someone who is most likely an atheist. Also thought is was sad to hear Raymond's guest (Robert Royal) referring to the gentleman murdered by Minneapolis Police as George "Flynn". His last name is FLOYD! Since the broadcast the show has wiped cleaned Royal's miss-stated surname. He is now heard to say simple "George". Finally, I never stop being amazed by the ease with which Raymond gleefully criticized our American Episcopal leadership. Last night his target was His Excellency, Archbishop Wilton Daniel Gregory of Washington D.C.. They are a disgrace to Catholicism! We don't need another Fox News!

    STEVE RAY HERE: Wow, a lot of anger and confusion here Joe. I think it was great to have the president visit the church and I agree with Arroyo and the guests completely. Misstating a name is easy to do on radio under pressure, so that is no big deal, it is expected at times. I do radio a lot and make little mistakes too. The archbishop of Washington NEEDS to be reproved as does the Episcopal bishopress. Take a deep breath my friend and turn off CNN.

  81. Joe M.

    Really Mr. Ray, sarcasm is your response…So disappointing.
    Peace be with you brother!

    STEVE RAY HERE: Sarcasm? This is my last response Joe, but you may want to look in the mirror. You know my stance on things in this matter. Yet you come on my blog and you post inflammatory things and expect me just to smile and agree with you? You were the instigator here of any issues. So if you don’t want someone to come back at you, then post your commentS somewhere else.

  82. Joe M.

    Mr. Ray, there appear to be others who made comments that were not 100% in agreement with your agenda, and so I felt at ease posting my own comments/observations. I am sorry that you took such umbrage ay my thoughts. I assumed you'd be more open to that sort of discourse. Apparently, I was wrong.

    Yours in Christ.

    STEVE RAY HERE: I get lots of emails and comments that are written just to poke and irritate. Some of the more egregious ones I just delete others like yours are marginal. However if you read back over your comments, don’t tell me you’re just sharing your opinion but you were doing so and then antagonistic away perfectly clear on my position and knowing it wasn’t for discussion. But be happy I allow Gerry post and didn’t delete it right off. In the future, if you really wanna have a nice discussion, tone down your rhetoric And be more courteous knowing you’re on someone else’s website and have some respect. And this IS my last response.

  83. elizabeth millar

    sent a message, where is it?

    STEVE RAY HERE: When did you send it and was it courteous? Sometimes people come to spout off and be rude or to propose ridiculous far left liberal ideas. Those kind of comments never see the light of day. So, let me know when you sent it and we can try again.

  84. Bill912

    Joe M.: If you will check the facts, you will find out that no one was tear-gassed; flash-bang grenades were used. As a retired police sergeant, I assure you that they only make a bright light and a lot of noise.

    "We should be careful about propping up someone who is most likely an atheist." How long have you had the ability to read souls?

    STEVE RAY HERE: Thanks for the facts Bill! So many people jump to conclusions, assume things about teargas and police brutality, and run with the narrative the Liberals push on a gullible public. I find it’s sickening. Thanks for the facts!

  85. Julie L

    Just saw this! Hi Steve! I have admired you for years. I worked with LCM and AI for many years too.
    Love your early Holy Land series. A friend I know joined a pilgrimage to the HL with you. I was blessed to go with another group.
    I know Raymond from VA. He and his family are good solid decent honest Catholics. Too bad people don’t
    appreciate straight talk and honest observation.
    Arguing is fruitless.
    I am a cradle Catholic and really love the faithful dedication and deep understanding of our faith especially by concerts like you!
    The Papal Posse is honest and it is refreshing to hear honest intelligent free discussion from them.
    This is freedom! The hierarchy and Vatican are disgusting me…sadly. They are obviously hiding, covering up, and twisting truth. Protecting their sins!
    I have never heard one of them (except for a couple courageous awesome priests) apologize or repent out loud to we the faithful. They are prideful and defensive and lacking heartfelt compassion.
    Have you heard of dear Fr. Hollowell who is actually experiencing redemptive suffering for these sinners?
    Many brave truthful unafraid clergy like Fr. Altman, are speaking out. Not just people on Raymond’s show. But in homilies and can be seen on you tube.
    I am grateful for all of them and for you and Raymond and his ‘posse’. If I was not a cradle Catholic I am not sure if I would stay Catholic.
    But I am Catholic for the Real Presence and Eucharist. I love our Mother Mary and the richness of our faith.
    I love scripture and have studied it for years and often too from Evangelical Christians.
    We MUST allow ALL Catholics to express their ideas and be vocal.
    I have not much respect for the Vatican and the secrecy and corruption found within it.
    I am nauseous knowing about McCarrick and those like him. No one has addressed the issue publically! It
    is not going away. All those abusers need to be jailed!!!!’
    The poor victims are still suffering.
    Well that is it and THANK YOU Steve.
    God bless you! May God have mercy AND justice on all.

  86. schlothauer loretta

    I am a convert of 20 years and need help discerning if I should stay Catholic due to the teachings of Pope Francis. In his Laudatory Si, he said abortion is a personal matter not a religious matter, that is not what my Bible says. He has lots of One World Order leanings that will be horrible for all people not in power or that are wanting to worship God. Listen to the last meeting in Davios Switzerland where he sent his right hand man to work with George Soros and other Marxist terrorists (my word). Trump was the only one speaking for freedom for all. This frightens me he would chime in with such known corrupt people. Check out who the Pope’s climate change scientist is, an atheist from Germany? Who do we trust? I trust what God says in the Bible. The Pope is just like the rest of us he has to follow The 10 Commandments, the moral law until Jesus returns for us. A position does not give automatic salvation if we are leading other people astray from God’s teachings, in my opinion.

    STEVE RAY HERE: You just remember that the church is about Jesus Christ, not about the pope. We’ve had good popEd and bad popes but the church always marches on. We’ve had good times and bad times in the church and there has never been a golden age. Every generation has problems in the church that seem insurmountable but the church continues to March through history.

    I also see the problems and it is very infuriating but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. I would suggest that you listen to my talk that I gave “How can a John Paul II Catholic Survive in a Pope Francis World”. You can get this talk at my store

  87. Terry Z

    The Eternal Word never changes.

  88. Frank Costa

    The Pope needs to clean up his own house before offering or suggesting ideas or policies that are secular . One example is the boarders of individual countries . Democracies are not socialists The pope should study the difference. Most Catholics should remember that Our faith is in Jesus Christ only. Many attend Mass in order to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. and not to hear secular brooding of archbishops that are out of line…namely in Washington DC

  89. w j white

    My question is: what does Mr. Arorya think about former presedent Trump since the jan 6th attack on our us capital? Mr. Trump called himself pro-life because it benefited him at the time. Pro-life means defending the unborn, the old, the poor, the forgotten just as Mother Teresa did. I am a cradle catholic and will always remain catholic and I believe as I was taught that politics has no place in our churches.

    STEVE RAY HERE: I am curious as to what Arroyo’s view of the January 6 scam by the liberals has to do with Trump? As more and more information came out a lot of that situation was liberals behind the scenes setting up the conservatives. Of course it was not a great situation, but if you put it all in perspective it’s not what the liberal media promotes it to be. The Liberals used it against Conservatives and Arroyo is too smart to fall for the deception. Arroyo is doing a great job and I’m glad he is still out there speaking the truth.

    Politics is part of real life and Catholicism confronts real life so politics should be a part of Catholicism. If you disagree with that go to the liberals to keep their mouth shut about politics. We as Christians are supposed to be informing politics, supplying the morals and values for politicians.

  90. Wilma Jahn

    As an 88 year old widow, lifelong practicing Catholic, I have been disturbed by Raymond Arroyo and his political stance during ETWNs Aound the World episodes. I’m appalled at his deliberate political views and feel they are not warranted on a Catholic religious broadcast. Last evening I saw his opinions being aired on FOX NEWS! , as a “staunch Catholic Reporter” .. an truly disappointed that EWTN promotes Arroyos bias.
    This from a station that we Catholics revered so devoted examples of our faith: Bishop Sheen and Mother Angelica.
    Wilma E Jahn

    STEVE RAY HERE: Unhappily, a vast number of Catholics have bred deluded by liber, secular ideas and worldview. Happily, guys like Arroyo are changing the deception and bringing many back to sanity both on EWTN and Fox News. Mother Angelica would be proud of him.

  91. Mary Meyer

    I love The World Over. Raymond is an excellent reporter . I know I will get the truth. I lost respect for the Pope when he secretly turned the Catholic Church over to the Communists. When the Pope feels we spend too much time on Abortion , I feel should not be Pope. He was a a Peronista before he entered the priesthood. In my opinion he leans very much to the Left.

  92. Terry Chiovoloni

    I have enjoyed reading the comments and replies…all I can say is…those who know will always know and those who don’t will never! I so agree with the writers who said “how can you be Catholic and agree with abortion?” talk about double minded!

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