Our wonderful daughter Emily turns 16 today. She is a good girl, very much in love with Our Lord and doing good in school and sports (Cross Country). (Click on image for a larger picture.)

We are in Rome so we had her party Sunday before we left. The whole family celebrated with us. Our oldest daughter Cindy and her husband Ben put together a very intricate Treasure Hunt which took almost an hour — and ended with discovering the car. 

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We surprised her good too. She did not expect to get a car. It is a nice little used Honda (we got if for a very good deal). I took her for her final driving test yesterday and she passed with flying colors. She will be driving herself to Fr. Gabriel Richard Catholic High School starting Tuesday. What a relief!!!

So, our youngest is now driving. But we have all those grandkids coming along so we get to do this all over again, and again, and again . . . What fun!
