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. . . and some looney-tunes think it is OK to abort her, like the nut-case pro-aborts who opposed our Walk for Life in San Francisco and our new president. He even thinks it is OK to pull her body out of the birth canal before puncturing her skull and sucking out the brains so as to make sure she is dead before fully delivered (see picture below).
Well, I’m sure glad Elizabeth Rose Ray is safe and sound in the womb of my daughter-in-law Anna who abhors the wickedness of abortion. This baby will be born and able to appropriate all the potential God gave her at conception.
For those who don’t know what a partial birth abortion is — the procedure protected by President Obama and his “Catholic” vice president Joe Biden — here is a picture of the end result. Now you know what it looks like. And we call ourselves civilized!
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If this doesn’t cause anger, disgust and a desire to “get involved” in the fight for life, then I don’t know what will.
The generation that brought abortion into the “legal” sphere in America will be surprised some day by the ironic justice of the old saying “What goes around, comes around.”
They devalued human life, calling the unborn baby “non-viable”, even non-human. Since there will be fewer babies born — because of abortion — there will be fewer taxpayers when the pro-abort generation gets older. There will be fewer tax dollars to support the pro-aborts as they reach the other end of the life spectrum.
The decimated younger generation will not want to spend their precious money to keep the “useless old people” alive. Old people will be catagorized as non-viable, non-productive, a huge burden on the taxpayer. Why waste tax and medical dollars on useless, old people?
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The devaluation of human life will come back to bite the ones who selfishly called for abortion. They will feel the poisonous sting at the other end of the life spectrum as they are considered non-viable and a waste of money.
And all this is happening when many now call for “mercy killing” and euthanasia. The devaluation of human life will eventually make this not only legal, but recommended and praised, a patriotic duty. But just like it is legal to kill our youngest, it will soon be legal to kill our oldest?
What goes around, comes around. There is an ironic justice built in to the moral universe.
Welcome to our family Elizabeth Rose Ray. We accept and love you as a precious human being with an immortal soul and infinite value, made in the image of God.
