“Dudley and I met and married after we had both gone through divorces. We blended a family of eight children, so our life was full of excitement and difficulties.

“We had both been raised in Protestant churches and have families who serve the Lord according to their understanding of scriptural truth. We had little disagreement over our beliefs. Even though he was taught the doctrine “once-saved-always-saved” and I wasn’t, we studied the doctrine and concluded this was not the truth.

“We were both taught that miracles were not for today, that God never used supernatural gifts or events, and that there was a “great gulf” between the living saints and the dead saints.

“We were both taught that Catholics were doctrinally off base and to be pitied because they were generally not “born-again.”

“We went to several different churches and studied many other denominations, including Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness and a few splinter spin-offs of the charismatic non-denominational movement. Each time, after a great deal of study, I rejected these churches……”

For the whole story, click HERE


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ana Rodriguez

    Dudley and Diane welcome home! I pray that you remain strong in your new found faith. God bless!

  2. Lynn Klopfenstein

    Please send the “rest of the story”–the website I’m on only provides a good introduction.
    Sally Skeeters Koch told me about you and your interest in genealogy. I’m into KLOPFENSTEIN for about 15 years and have quite a file developed. Including you!!!
    I’m a central Illinois Klopfy and must confess that many of the Ohio Ks are not known, except for having them on the genealogy chart.
    Let me hear from you!

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