Delightful, Fast-paced, Creatively Artistic, 14-minute Video of our Holy Land Pilgrimage

Enjoy this beautiful video of one of our Holy Land pilgrimages. This was created by videographer Michael Hess. Janet and I couldn’t break away. Enjoy!!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Colleen

    Thank you for a beautiful visual trip through the Holy Land. I really enjoyed it and what a great way to start the day! I love the music, too!

  2. Aloysius Marie Gagnon

    Hello Steve,given the current climate in the church and in politics I would love to ask you 2 questions.1.What is your opinion on Jacob Rees-Mogg, the british parliamentarian and fervent Catholic who is also a high Tory conservative.Is he a model for conservative Catholic politicians in the United States.

    Steve Ray here: I have no idea who this man is so I am not able to comment intelligently. But I think it’s high time that Catholics get involved in politics and hold conservative views. Christianity has been hijacked by a bunch a liberal’s with their “peace and justice” twisted view of Catholicism, Even to the point of promoting abortion and contraception or at least saying they keep politics away from their personal opinions.

    2.Do you think that some of the problems afflicting the Church today has got something to Do with the Post Vatican -II kumbaya culture in the Church.Will the restoration of the old Latin mass and great devotional masterpieces like the dies irae dies illa,solve this predicament.

    Steve Ray here: I don’t think you can trace the sex scandal back to Vatican 2. These issues were prevalent in the 50s and many of the current cases go back to pre-council days. If you go back to the 11th century you’ll find there are even rampant back then even with the Latin mass.

    Vive le église catholique
    Long live the holy Catholic Church

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