Defending Marriage in an Age of Unreason (Zenit Article)

Have you ever tried to argue with a telephone pole or maybe a hysterical person? That is often what it is like trying to reason with some people invested in the new a-moral world of gay politics and the dissolution of traditional marriage. Rarely can you have a real conversation since on one hand it is like arguing with a telephone pole are on the other hand the voices get shrill and accusatory and you find out you are a homophobe, a bigot and a Neanderthal.

There is a way we have to learn how to effectively cut through the emotion and fog of unreason for the few who are willing and able to carry on a rational discussion. Hopefully we can help slow down the descent into….

Theology Professor Gives Natural Law Argument Against Homosexual ‘Marriage’

By Ann Schneible

ROME, May 30, 2013 ( – The challenges faced by those who oppose same-sex “marriage” for religious reasons are growing, with an increasing number of individuals and organizations voicing support for “gay rights,” while speaking out against what they claim to be discrimination and bigotry.

[Recently] the Boy Scouts of America voted to allow openly gay scouts, although adults living active homosexual lifestyles are still prohibited from serving as leaders. Same-sex “marriage” advocates laud the decision, which they say is a step toward ending discrimination in the faith-based organization.

Earlier this month, Gary Meier, a priest for the diocese of St. Louis, Missouri, in the US, revealed himself to be the author of the anonymously published Hidden Voices: Reflections of a Gay, Catholic Priest (a second edition of the book was re-released last week under his real name). Meier, who last year took a leave of absence from his ministry at Saints Teresa and Bridget Church in St. Louis, openly criticizes what he says is the Church’s “anti-gay” stance. (Click here to read the Archdiocese of St. Louis’ official statement regarding Fr. Meier).

Proponents of “gay rights” frequently use a combination of personal experience and statistics to advocate their position. This approach, however, is under scrutiny from academics such as Paul Gondreau, professor of Catholic theology at Providence College, Rhode Island, who says such arguments appeal to sentiment rather than to reason…..

For rest of the article, click HERE.
