I will be joining Marcus Grodi on his EWTN Radio Show “Deep in Scripture” from 9:00-10:00 PM Eastern time Wednesday (today). You can listen — even watch the show on-line here now or at a later time!
We will be dissecting John 3:3-5; 14-16 and 36. They have to do with salvation, being born again, believing and obeying the gospel. I will argue with my former days as a Baptist, and explain why these biblical passages mean so much to me.
You can listen on-line at http://www.ewtn.com.
For additional resources, see my blog posts:
Are you Born Again?
What Does it Mean to Believe on the Lord Jesus?”
Pastor Bob Preaches the Word!
An Open Letter to Pastor Charles Stanley
Check out my book St. John’s Gospel: A Bible Study Guide & Commentary
"Deep in Scripture" with Marcus Grodi Tonight
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