If you would to hear a debate on Mary, you can click here (it takes a few minutes to download.)
I thought William Albrecht did a great job of presenting the Catholic case and ably defending the Catholic understanding of Mary. The Protestant “TurretinFan” takes such a minimalist position that it is difficult to expose it all in such a short debate. William did an able job defending the premise of the debate “Does the Bible Teach the Veneration of Mary?”.
My friend William Albrecht takes the affirmative; the anonymous TurretinFan takes the negative. TurretinFan is obviously a bright young man who did as well as could be expected, but with the minimalist tradition he has accepted he is at a disadvantage.
Anti-Catholics usually only accept debates in which the Catholic is forced to prove a positive when the Protestant has the easy job of “taking pot shots”. I would like to see them debate with the premise “Sola Scripture Fosters Division and Confusion within Christianity.” I doubt you will find many accepting that debate any time soon.
You can see William Albrecht’s blog here along with all his other debates and projects.
