Excellent article showing who is REALLY marginalized in American society.


Earlier this month, the New York Times published an article on Jesuit Father James Martin titled, “Jesuit Priest Stands Up for Gay Catholics, Then Faces Backlash.” In the piece, author David Gonzalez, a former board member of Martin’s America Magazine, tells the tale of a golden-hearted priest who is facing down overwhelming “backlash” from hateful homophobes in order to fight for the “marginalized” LGBT community.

“Jesus went to where the people were and spoke to them in their language,” Martin told the Times. “And he was always going to the margins.”

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Throughout the interview, Martin stresses this point about reaching out to the “marginalized” LGBT community, which apparently isn’t the same as ministering to them, since that would require applying the Church’s teaching on sexuality and marriage rather than denouncing those teachings as “needlessly hurtful.”

But the claim that the LGBT community is marginalized is laughable. The LGBT movement is perhaps the most widely celebrated social cause of our modern culture. Hollywood, academia, corporate America, and the mainstream media have overwhelmingly embraced the LGBT platform.

When LGBT Catholics reject the embrace of Holy Mother Church, the world rewards them richly for it.

Want an example of a group that is genuinely marginalized? Stay-at-home moms.

My mother-in-law is a faithful Catholic who has 11 beautiful children. Long ago she stopped counting the number of strange looks and nasty comments she received from people who were apparently repulsed by her decision to put herself last and give her “yes” to God’s plan for her family.

She and her husband have been able to feed, clothe, and educate 11 kids on a single income, and yet she has been called “irresponsible,” I suppose for increasing the “surplus population” (cf. Ebenezer Scrooge).

Condescending imbeciles have assumed that she is unaware of how babies are born, or rather how they are not born. Nobody stops to think she may have had intelligent, moral reasons for not jumping on the birth control bandwagon like so many other women in her generation.

Complete strangers have said unimaginable things about the most intimate parts of her body……

For the whole article, click here.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. sandi

    The disclaimer by CatholicVote.org at the end of this article that the views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily theirs makes me not want to support them anymore. This should be the view of every practicing Catholic who conforms to the teaching of the Church.

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