This trip was inspired by Catholic Community Radio in Baton Rouge Louisiana. A bunch of these good folks are with us along with people from a lot of other states and even Australia and Africa. It is a very lively, Catholic, inquisitive, excited, humorous and fun group of pilgrims. They are firmly set on learning the Faith, celebrating their joy in Christ and walking in the footprints of Our Lord.

Today we visited the top of Mount Tabor where the Transfiguration took place. We prayed the Luminous Mystery of the Transfiguration where it actually happened. Then to Cana to renew wedding vows. I gave a talk on the wedding in John 2 and Amer (our Catholic Nazarene guide) told the history of the site.

Then to Nazareth for an authentic lunch at an Arab Christian restaurant before Mass at the Church of the Annunciation. We prayed the Mystery of the Annunciation in the entrance to the cave where the Angel actually said the words “Hail Full of Grace, the Lord is with you.”

After a tour of this site and my talk “A Day in the Life of the Holy Family” we drove back to Tiberias. On the way back I used my iPhone to do an interview with Catholic Community Radio. What fun! Our whole group yelled, “Wake up Baton Rouge!” We always try to have the second day easy for the pilgrims to regroup, process the whole thing and to rest.

So, everyone had the rest of the afternoon free to swim in the sea, walk into town, rest, go to confession (every day available), pray, have a glass of wine on the shore watching the fish jump and the birds fly or whatever they want. Dinner was delicious as always and a free evening for everyone.
