When Jesus goes up on a mountain and is transfigured, what other mountain should you think about? When Jesus’ face shines like the sun, what other prophet should you think of?

Today was wonderful. We visit Mount Tabor – the Mount of the Transfiguration and discussed all the rich meaning from the Bible related to this site. Then to Cana to renew wedding vows. One couple from Australia was married three days ago so this was very memorable for them. I also taught about the  six stone jars, Jesus’ “hour” and Mary’s intercession for the wedding guests.

Then to Nazareth where it all began. Without Nazareth there would be no Bethlehem or Jerusalem. It was at Nazareth that the Word became flesh. In fact, on the altar here it says, “The Word became Flesh HERE!”

After visiting these great sites with Mass and the Rosary and lots of good teaching and exploration, we all had the late afternoon free to swim in the Sea of Galilee, nap, have a glass of wine on the shore with new friends and more. Delicious dinner with a great variety of foods and to bed early for a busy new day tomorrow.
