Another great day with no problems but a lot of great things happening. Today we went on a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. Then we visited the museum to see the Ancient Jesus Boat — a boat 2,000 years old found in the Sea of Galilee.
Then we had Mass on the top of the Mount of Beatitudes before driving north to Banias — Caesarea Philippi. I told my conversion story on one bus while Teresa Tomeo and the priests told their stories on the other two buses.
We visited the huge rock where Jesus said, “You are Peter (Rock) and on this rock I will build my Church.” Here we also renewed our baptismal vows in the headwaters of the Jordan River.
Next we had lunch at a Druze Restaurant, drove along the Syrian border and gave everone the last part of the afternoon free. Buses 1 and 2 drove north to Rosh Pina for dinner at Aberge Shulamit (more on this later). Everyone had a great time with the comedy club on the bus on the ride home.
Everyone is doing fine and having a great time. People comments today on how safe and beautiful the country is.
