Today we started with Mass and talks at Gethsemane. Fr. Sheridan’s emotional homily here.

Then to the top of the Mount of Olives, an overview of Jerusalem that is spectacular and my talk “The Story of Salvation History“ with it all right before our eyes.

Lunch at a Jewish Kibbutz, saw the new US Embassy in Jerusalem, visited the place Commemorating the end of Mary’s earthly life, the Upper Room and the dungeon of Christ at Gallicantu.

And the crown jewel was next. After two hours to shower and relax and regroup at the Notre Dame Center we walked over to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to join the Franciscans as they escorted us personally and very specially into the Tomb of Christ. No one realized how cool this was until we actually did it.

After that, we had dinner on the rooftop of Jerusalem looking out over the city of Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulchre.


