In Jerusalem on Palm Sunday!

Day 6, Part I

Part II


This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Cathy Huffman

    Say Hi to Dottie Kraft from the Red Hatters. Am loving following your videos.

  2. mary trumble

    Dear Joe and sylvia, i have been watching in the blog and you look like you are enjoying your trip. Love Mother

  3. Lanny Horne

    My Precious Susan, (McGinnity), I hope you are enjoying the Pilgrimage. I have been following the videos, awesome sites. Love you and miss you, Lanny.

  4. John Meadows

    who would have thought that Chris would watch the videos and post a message. Lil mam said to say hi and that he loves and misses you, not as much as me though. What a wonderful place to be for Palm Sunday i bet the air was electric. Love you be safe.

  5. Linda Mertz

    Your journey in Jerusalem today was very moving. My husband and I will be travelling with Steve to the Holy Land soon. I can only imagine how full of the Spirit you are and what your faith life will be when you come home. God bless you all!

  6. Dawn & David Gillet

    Hi Mom (Jane Thomas)

    Caught up on the videos today. A little under the weather yesterday so I didn’t get a chance to watch, but better today. Can’t express how much I enjoy watching these videos. Loved the olive wood carvings, of course my favorite was the navitity scene. Spoke with Dad and he is doing good. Spoke with Uncle Joe and he said he would take a look at the videos and Nancy will ask Sheree to pull them up for her as well. Looks as though you are having a marvelous time, I know I am and I am only seeing parts of the overall picture. Love seeing yours and Aunt Karen’s bright morning smiling faces. Take Care.

    Love ya always,

    Dawn & Family

  7. debbie willis

    God Bless you, Amer!!!! Thank you for sharing your faith and your knowledge with all of us pilgrims! You help to make Jerusalem come alive. I enjoyed talking with you on my trip in ’07. I will be back one day. Take care of yourself.
    Pax Christi to you and yours,
    Debbie Willis

  8. Marci Schwartz

    Jerusalem was beautiful and the Western wall brought tears to my eyes. Especially seeing my love Allen with those who mean so much to me and the Hassidic Jewish men praying. Thank you for bringing our prays with you honey. May everyones wishes, prayers, hopes and dreams come true. I know that G-d, Adonai, is listening to all of you. I love you honey and have a wonderful day today. Know that you are thought of and missed. Wish I was there with you right now.

    Love always,

    Marci (Devorah Esther) Schwartz

  9. Veronica Botti

    Hi Mom and Dad, Alice and Bob Lopez!

    The boys and I drove in tonight. No alarms, wishoo!
    Will will come on Wednesday night. He had some complications at work. He’s also excited to hear all about your trip.

    Our Internet connection at home won’t be complete until tomorrow, so unfortunately we haven’t been able to see your YouTube videos. That is until tonight. That was the first thing I did once the boys went to bed.

    Palm Sunday looks very exciting in Jerusalem. Bet you wish you had a hand drum, Dad. And Mom, I hope you showed some of your famous dance moves.

    I can’t believe that you are exactly were Jesus, Mary, and all the deciples lived and began the church. Amazing.

    I’m going now to look at the YouTube from the day that you had yor vows renewed. Congratulations. I’m so happy for you both.

    Ps. Diego took me on a high speed high energy guided tour of your house when we got here. ‘this is the car that Papa was telling me about , and this is were he keeps his cars, and this is where I sleep, and this is where, Nico and I sing ‘Waffles in the house’, and this…. You get the idea. It was as if this was his house and I was guest, in his oppinion The red vines and corn dogs confirmed this belief.

    I love you both. Looks like you’re having the time of your lives. Enjoy!
    Say a little prayer for me.


  10. Karen Williams

    Hi Amy,

    What an incredible way to spend Palm Sunday! I had the chills! I can only imagine being in the Garden of Gethsemane! Love watching the videos, the next best thing to being there! Thanks for taking and praying for our petitions!


  11. Yvonne Pastore (Bob and Alice Lopez)

    Good Morning to you all! Well I am filled with tears as I watch you all taking this wonderous journey! Mom and Dad you look like you are enjoying your break from life back here at home, and like you are resting in the sight of all these Godly places. We are all so happy for you both to be there! We are praying you are feeling closer to our Lord than ever!
    We love you! Yvonne and the gang!

  12. Jennie, Tim, Madison and Jackson Moore

    Grandma and Pop Pop,
    Looks like you are having a great time!! Have a safe trip home, cant wait to see you. We love you!

    Jennie, Tim, Madison and Jackson

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